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Thread: New to the forum, got good progress, pics inside!

  1. #1

    New to the forum, got good progress, pics inside!

    Hey everyone! Im 18, and been seriously BBing for about 8 months now. Long story short, i was overweight ever since i was a kid, and peaked out at about 270lbs at 6'0. About a year ago, i decided to change that, and have lost about 80 lbs since. My current goal is to achieve a six pack by january of '09, and hit about 10% BF, if not lower.
    All i use as far as supps goes (no gear):
    Fish oil
    Green mag creatine
    ON 100% whey
    Just got off of animal cuts(not that great)

    Currently, im having problems losing BF. Its been about 2 months since ive really lost anything, even though ive done animal cuts, and do cardio almost everyday, sometimes fasted, not to mention that my diet has been great.
    Ive been lurking around trying to learn a little about steroids, pro-hormones, and such, and have been recently getting that temptation of "maybe if i try this stuff, ill get leaner faster, and maybe achieve that six pack.."
    So, i dont know much about it, and sure as heck am not going to get involved until i know everything there is to know.

    Stats are:
    around 20% BF
    Would appreciate advice and help.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

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  2. #2
    My man congrats on losing all that weight from 270 major props on that. On the other side you are not near the level of even beginning to think about steroids as a training tool. Diet Diet and a little Diet before your ready for that step. There serious compounds good luck bro

  3. #3
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    welcome, great work so far. tweak your diet and training and I'm sure you will do well.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Kitchen, Gym, Kitchen....
    Congrats on losing that weight and welcome to the forums.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Wow, I'm proud. Good job and good luck still, keep us updated!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Congrats on the weight loss mate. Not an easy thing to do. Try tweaking your diet a little to get over that wall. Alot of people ive read think there diet is good untill they post it. You might find you can improve it out of site. Just Do a little research in the Diet forum, and even ask for a little advice. Good luck.

  7. #7
    Thanks everyone, Im not new to this whole diet thing, ive taken alot of time to learn about nutrition, and still am. As far as my diet goes, ive looked it over many a time, posted it on other forums, and even kept a log for a month, i even still update it once in a while. Im thinking ill have to go extreme, such as keto, or vegetarian. I went veg. for a week when i first started out, but had trouble getting enough protein, so i quit. Maybe ill be able to get it this time around. Any suggestions? ill post today's diet for example.
    9:00 - 1 cup egg whites
    - 1 whole egg
    - two piece wheat toast
    - 6 oz. OJ
    - 1000mg fish oil
    - 2 multi-vitamins
    11:00 - granola bar
    1:00 - workout (back and Bis)
    1st half of w/o - Green Mag
    2nd half of w/o - 1.5 scoops whey
    2:30 - lunch meat sandwich
    - swiss cheese
    - no mayo
    - wheat bread
    - baby carrots
    4:00 - 8 oz. skim milk
    4:30 - small bowl beef veggie and rice soup
    6:00 - corned beef and cabbage (scraped all the fat off i could)
    - cornbread (small)
    7:15 - 8 oz. skim milk

    Tot. H2O - a little over 1 gal.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2008
    well you are eating often which is good but you need to dial it in a lot better if you want to get lean. thats a lot of bread, granola bars are no good, etc. you might want to check out keto, the ananbolic diet, palumbo diet or some other type of carb cycling diet. they are all basically high in healthy fat and protein and have minimal carbs.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2007

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Scenic Purgatory
    Welcome aboard, keep that NATURAL program going for a few more years and see how you feel then.

    Good luck and BE CAREFUL

  11. #11

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    welcome and well done so far bud

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by dback View Post
    well you are eating often which is good but you need to dial it in a lot better if you want to get lean. thats a lot of bread, granola bars are no good, etc. you might want to check out keto, the ananbolic diet, palumbo diet or some other type of carb cycling diet. they are all basically high in healthy fat and protein and have minimal carbs.
    Ok.. can you give me some links to those diets, or will googling it be enough?

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Caput Mundi
    Wellcome... The pictures with the same clothes are really cool! Good Job mate!

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    Home of the Arnold
    way to go losing that weight. i noticed in your diet you had lunchmeat sandwhich. that stuff is usually really loaded with sodium which isnt very good, maybe try to replace it with a can of tuna. good luck.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    keep up the good work bro! i know its hard believe me i have been where you are! just keep pushing don't get frustrated take it a day at a time. I agree w/ dback your carb intake is high. this works for me i have dropped 7 lbs in the past month try taking a Pre-workout shake of whey(1 scoop) and the a post-workout of whey and casein (both 1 scoop)

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Welcome. You don't need to google; there is a diet section in the forums.

  18. #18
    alright..thanks guys.

    g.gonzales90 - PWO casein? never heard of that...what about the speed of digestion PWO? Or does the mixture of whey speed it up?

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Houston Tx
    wow...and welcome.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    casein protein is found in things such as milk and eggs it take your body longer to break down the casein so your muscles are getting protein for a longer period of time. and yes the whey speeds up the process not going to explain what whey does cause i see you already take that so im sure you already know

  21. #21
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    May 2008

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Chicago IL
    Congrats on loose the weight and keeping it off, you are going to find a lot of helpful information in here, go to the diet foroum and custume a diet for your needs. Keep up the good work and best wishes on your goals

  23. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by g.gonzales90 View Post
    casein protein is found in things such as milk and eggs it take your body longer to break down the casein so your muscles are getting protein for a longer period of time. and yes the whey speeds up the process not going to explain what whey does cause i see you already take that so im sure you already know
    Ya, i know all about protein and the differences between the other kinds, thanks for the info.

    Hey, anyone know why i can't look at other people's profiles?

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