Hey everyone! Im 18, and been seriously BBing for about 8 months now. Long story short, i was overweight ever since i was a kid, and peaked out at about 270lbs at 6'0. About a year ago, i decided to change that, and have lost about 80 lbs since. My current goal is to achieve a six pack by january of '09, and hit about 10% BF, if not lower.
All i use as far as supps goes (no gear):
Fish oil
Green mag creatine
ON 100% whey
Just got off of animal cuts(not that great)
Currently, im having problems losing BF. Its been about 2 months since ive really lost anything, even though ive done animal cuts, and do cardio almost everyday, sometimes fasted, not to mention that my diet has been great.
Ive been lurking around trying to learn a little about steroids, pro-hormones, and such, and have been recently getting that temptation of "maybe if i try this stuff, ill get leaner faster, and maybe achieve that six pack.."
So, i dont know much about it, and sure as heck am not going to get involved until i know everything there is to know.
Stats are:
around 20% BF
Would appreciate advice and help.