hey wusup BRO'S my name is Rob im from Cali. and just jumpin into the pool for the first time. i am 25 years old and currently work out at bally total fitness gym. im 6'3 at about 170..yeah i kno its kinda funny but...u knoe why im on here now lols. my current supps are JUNGLE WARFARE,MILK THISSLE,6-OXO and NO XPLODE there ok products.. i've been lifting since august of 2007 and i only gained about 10-15 lbs, NOT THE WEIGHT I WAS SHOOTING FOR. i also have fast metabolism, and have been tryna eat everything insite, but still no luck but tryna jump into a bigger picture if you knoe what i mean. i really need help and i hope this site hella help me.
im very happy for becoming a member. now i can talk to the BIG DOGZ, and get the real info .if you got any question or anything then please feel free to hit me pm or sumtin....peace