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Thread: was fellow bodybuilders

  1. #1

    was fellow bodybuilders


    hey wusup BRO'S my name is Rob im from Cali. and just jumpin into the pool for the first time. i am 25 years old and currently work out at bally total fitness gym. im 6'3 at about 170..yeah i kno its kinda funny but...u knoe why im on here now lols. my current supps are JUNGLE WARFARE,MILK THISSLE,6-OXO and NO XPLODE there ok products.. i've been lifting since august of 2007 and i only gained about 10-15 lbs, NOT THE WEIGHT I WAS SHOOTING FOR. i also have fast metabolism, and have been tryna eat everything insite, but still no luck but tryna jump into a bigger picture if you knoe what i mean. i really need help and i hope this site hella help me.

    im very happy for becoming a member. now i can talk to the BIG DOGZ, and get the real info .if you got any question or anything then please feel free to hit me pm or sumtin....peace
    Last edited by Kingh90; 12-20-2008 at 06:25 AM.

  2. #2
    yo and hit me up on e-mail if you like. i do have pics..just pm me

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2003
    United States
    welcome. at your age and weight i would say diet is your main problem. drop all that junk supplements you take(except for protein) and replace it with food. check out the diet section and learn how to properly eat and then you will grow.
    source checks- 200 posts and 6 month membership min. entirely within my discretion
    PT is a fictional character and all posts are for entertainment purposes only.

  4. #4
    like i said bro i have a fast metabolism. i try to eat atleast 4-5k calories a day including straight 6-7 eggs in the morning with JUNGLE WARFARE fallowed by a 64gram+800calories per serving..after that 2-3 chicken breast pieces with JUNGLE WARFARE. then i workout and take my supp no xplode before my workout and after i take my 65gm protein. and snack on a few eggs. then grubb on some lamb. then fallowed by dinner 2 hours later with consist of 2 pork chops and a great salad with JUNGLE WARFARE..then i drink my protein shake and go to sleep, then wakeup in the midnight for a snack and eat 6 spoons of peanut butter..then sleep and almost same routine the next day if not better or worse. bro thats almost a total of 4-5k calories right there..then in the morning it all come out..all of wanting to take the extra step and consider steroids.
    Edited-read the rules before you post again.
    Last edited by Kingh90; 12-20-2008 at 06:27 AM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Monte-Carlo, Monaco
    Quote Originally Posted by Kingh90 View Post
    ... Edited
    read the rules, no fishing for sources...

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