Hello all my name is mackenzie im 20 years old will be 21 come the
14th of this month. Im around 5"7-5"9 and weight approximately 150 lbs
I have been working out on and off for a few years without much success
I have recently decided that i would like to experiment with some supplements
after a friend of mine recommended i try some. I have no prior knowledge
of really any supplements for that matter. He had suggested that i try
a cycle of m1t. After doing some research on m1t i have decided it may
not be the best thing to use for a frst time cycle of anything. I have a very
small build and am skinny but really want to put on some mass which is why
he suggested the m1t. could someone possibly give me a bit of input on
what might be a good start for someone of my size and age. Thank you
in advance.