Well i wont drag my introduction on, im 26 5"6 so a short arse and weigh about 11 stone 8. Basically im really out of shape got a fairly big gut and am really not happy with my shape. When i was younger as my metabolism was reasonably good i was ripped with an 8 pack and was an athletic build. I dabbled with steroids in my early 20's but never took them seriously just like 2 jabs of sus a week for a couple of months, my biceps went up to around 15 and a half inches which looked really good as im short....
So now what im looking for is some expert advice really. I have got fairly lazy and am determined now enough is enough i want to get back in shape and have a good body, im not after anything to serious just something i can cope with. So ill just list a few questions, and hopefully people can help me.
Whats the best diet for burning fat, ripping up and looking healthy (cheap aswell please im skint)
Whats the best start out training schedule, im not a strong runner but i heard walking can work well? I got a weight bench no serious weight im only a begginer?
Last but not least whats the best start out steroid course best for losing fat and getting a good shape?
Hopefully i havent broke any forum rules here and someone can help. It would be most appreciated!!