would just like to say hi to everyone and the community ! Im new to this site but it looks promising. Brief background, i have done martial arts all my life umm taekwondo and boxing mostly, and i have studies shaolin kungfu. umm my english is ok yes, but my boxing much better hehe.
My goal in life is to be a pro feather-weight boxer. It was ever since i was a child. Things dont always work out, but i want to atleast try and if i fail that is okay atleast i know i try it. After that blows over i will have the choice of going back china and just dedicate myself to shaolin or i can stay here and work/weight train.
Bodybuilding looks apealing to me but i dont think i would be able to do it lol. Some say am big for my size, but I'm not a very big person. I am small frame/boned. Still self concience about myself. I am 22 5"9 127. But very strong and cut (of makes sense). Im on here mostly, for knowledge. Sometimes i think about i want to become bigger not to big, but i want to put on another 20lbs of muscle. so my ideal weight i want to be is 140lbs. I have been researching steroids and side effects, the forms of taking it etc. So i just want to learn and see what people have to say and maybe some can help me come to a conclusion : )
Well thankyou for reading, if have any comments feel free to say. Looking forward to this !