Sup everyone,
my name is samm, sammy, or w/e you want to call me. Im 20 years old and am prescribed HGH since ive been a young'n.
heres some history of me, I was born small, now im big haha. On a more serious note i used hgh just as prescribed but i stopped taking it and turned to drugs when i was 16-18 (coke, heroin, w/e) anyways ive been working out alot since i got sober but during the time i was sobering up i got fat.
I cut 25 lbs in 1 month and put on alot of muscle.
last month: 33.19% body fat (in a tank test)
this month: 27.12% body fat "
Anyways just saying hi, looking forward to get talking to people about my workout plan and what not.
lbs 1 month ago~: 305
lbs yesterday: 279
ill be getting pics up soon so people can watch me get healthy! When i tell people im going to do something it motovates me so i dont let others down. Pics will be up soon.
My workout:
45 min of cardio (bike, run/walk, stairs) start of workout
weights (core+arms+back on mon+wens)(chest+shoulders+neck tues+thurs)(legs+core fri+sat) (sunday rest)
45 min of cardio at the end of my work out
I do the above^^^^^ x2 a day cardio and all.
Lots of tuna, 5-9 cans daily (no exageration)
Lots of Veges (bell pepers, tamatos, lettuce, mushrooms, carrots, etc) raw of corse
2 times daily whey protien shake
Whole week cereal+ skim milk.
anyways if you got suggestions hit me, although this has been working for me very very well.