Whats up everybody? I'm a 5'9 225 pounder currently about 12-15% bodyfat. I recently got calipered at 9.5 but I believe I carry too much on my gut for that to be true. I've read tons of articles and books on steroids during my life and now believe I am fairly knowledgable. Unfortunately that was not always the case, this is my story:
At 13 I was 5'9 and 150 pounds playing highschool football. A senior offered me some pills in the locker room and told me if I wanted to play I would take them (Football was all that mattered in my town) and I took them. 1 tab pre-workout for 3 weeks.... I had no idea what the pills even were, much less what dosing or PCT was.
At 13 I am assuming my HTPA was far from developed and I believed this set the course for me being fairly messed up by the time I turned twenty.
By the time I was a junior I got up to a fat 220 but the season took its toll and I fell down to 180. Desperate I started on the cutting edge new drug of the time, superdrol. I ran 3 superdrol cycles that school year and I got back up to 230 range. I was losing tons of hair on my head, getting spliting headaches all the time and had bad gyno. My total cholesterol was near 400 and my hdl's weren't even readable.
After waiting a few years, or wising up (its amazing how leaving highschool makes people much more patient) at 22 I started up again, but not with performance enchancement in mind. My gyno had gotten so painful, but I had no insurance to get surgery for it so I self medicated.
8 weeks of masteron prop (I know everyone says test has to be base but this worked very well for me, giving me the gyno results (masteron was initally used for breast cancer much like nolva and was taken off the market because orals became avaliable.) I also got some decent gains out of it)
and 10mg's of nolva a day followed by 40/40/20/20 for PCT and my gyno pain was gone. Blood tests confirmed that my hormone pannel was finally where it was supposed to be after years of being messed up, and my total cholesterol had gone down over 100 points.
Thats my horror story, in short to re-inforce that doing drugs without research=bad ideas. Now besides being bald and having a slightly elevated cholesterol level I'm almost a normal guy.