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Thread: hey,can anyone give me experienced advise?

  1. #1

    Question hey,can anyone give me experienced advise?

    HI ALL!, i'm 22, 6 foot 4 inches tall and weigh 12.5 stone(175 lbs). i've had enough of being tall and slim so its time to take action!! i need someones help. i want to take steriods but i
    DON'T want to inject them. can anyone suggest the best type of steriod to use for a beginner? whilst also baring in mind that i want to see decent results.

    also can you recommend when to use them (time of day)

    Knowledge is power, power is strenth, strength is what i need to get bigger.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Scylla and Charybdis
    welcome aboard.

    Most here will tell you that you're too young to be thinking about steroids. And they're right.

    I suggest heading over to the diet forum and posting there.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by millzmachine View Post
    HI ALL!, i'm 22, 6 foot 4 inches tall and weigh 12.5 stone(175 lbs). i've had enough of being tall and slim so its time to take action!! i need someones help. i want to take steriods but i
    DON'T want to inject them. can anyone suggest the best type of steriod to use for a beginner? whilst also baring in mind that i want to see decent results.

    also can you recommend when to use them (time of day)

    Knowledge is power, power is strenth, strength is what i need to get bigger.
    Most important thing you said...You have alot of learning to do, and you should start in the diet and workout forums. Steriods is not the right answer for you at this point in the game.

    If you wanted a fast car...would you buy a Prius and put nitrous on it?

    You need to get a good foundation first.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Ottawa, Canada
    Hi mate welcome to the boArd

    It's good that you wanna learn, that will show u the ways to being bigger and healthier, my advise coming from a family with bad genetics( dad is 5.7 and mom. Is about 5.4... Dad is 120 lb and thin bones and a lot of water retention and gyno and abdominal fat mostly) I have managed to grow by eating more and healthier . I think in ur case being taller is going to be harder to look big but don't worry u will get there mate is just a matter of food post up yur diet and make the appropiate changes and u will see what ur potential at that height is

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    hey man, welcome.

  7. #7 times a day. Whole oats, lean protiens supplemented by shakes and bars during the day. Then...go find something heavy and lift it alot. I lifted with a guy who suffered from the endomorphic body type. He was a big man...about 260at 6'3" when we left the desert. You need to force your body to metabolize protien into muscle. I've been poking around the forums now for a couple I'm new too...but there is alot of knowledge in these take it all in and tweek things till you get what you want. It's not going to be quick...and it's gonna hurt...alot...but hey...what doesn't.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    welcome and happy reading; i've been busy with it myself the diet section is kick ass lots of good info

  9. #9
    welcome man i started my 1st cycle at 22 but wish i had waited that little bit longer seen some lads that i train with that have never touched it and the size and gains they have made with out it im dien to see what they will be like when they hit there peak and start the juice and these lads are in crazy ass shape just because off a great deit best off luck and happy gains

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Boston but moving soon

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