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Thread: new to the forms and need advise please

  1. #1

    Post new to the forms and need advise please

    hi im 23 years old and have been overweight most of my life. i am 6' and weigh 255. i got down to 190 after basic training but gained oover 100 pounds from poor diet and exercise. im in afghanistan now and i lift weights 6 days a week and do cardio 4 days a week and my goal is to weigh 220 and be a little more solid before i go on leave in 6 months. i eat about 2000 callories a day and about 210g of protine. i have access to danabol ds 10mg, winstrol 10mg, and clenbuterol 20mcg per. and need to know some advise please.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    New Jersey
    Welcome, Start reading. Especially the educational threads.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Hi Big D

    Right from the start and I shall be honest. Your 23... train another 2 years with correct diet and exercise before you even consider putting anything in your body. Your gains will be so much better and you will be so glad you waited.You still have a far amount of testostrone in you at 23 so keep it that way for a while longer.

    IMO if your training hard then 4 days per week is plenty, hitting cardio 3 times. Dont be afraid to up your calories to around 3,500 as if its clean food you will be fine. Get your good fats in you in the way of oilly fish (salmon) etc, peanuts, olive oils and such. Have around 80 to 100 g per day. This will give you much needed energy for your workouts so you wont destroy your muscle.

    Non workout days back off the carbs a bit. I eat 4/5 carb meals on training days and 2 on non training days. But listen to your body - you have plenty of time. Learn to feel when you need to up fats / carbs of protein. You will do this only by experimenting with your meals and your workouts.

    Learn about diets/cycles/PCTs and all that goes with it and when the time comes you will be knowledgable enough to make a wise choice.

    And lastly...DO NOT FEEL GUILTY TO HAVE REST DAYS! thsy are so important! I am 37 now and used to do 6 days a week and hell does my body know it! Rest recouporate and grow!
    Last edited by Moosedog; 05-01-2010 at 03:34 AM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Hellllo, and pretty much what moosedog said. That's a good start.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    No source checks

    Please take the time to read the board rules..

    Please give all stats when asking quetions in the questions and answer forum.

    Stats consist of:

    Cycle history
    Years training

    Also please take the time to read all the educational threads in the q&a forum as most questions can be answered with alittle reading...


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    infront of the gym mirror

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