Originally Posted by
Times Roman
Well, here I am in about my fifth month of lifting. I'm 48 and in pretty good shape, so I was hoping that my results would be similar to when I was younger. You see, I've been working out off and on since I was 13. Typical skinny kid trying to ward off bullies.... usual charles atlas wannabee of sorts. Anyways, it's been about ten full years since I picked up weights. I stopped after 4 years of serious lifting, shortly after my daughter was born. Just couldn't afford the time. Real happy with my accumulated results at that time. All I took was a little DHEA and some Andro (I believe) with Creatine thrown in for good luck. I ended up with around 245 with relatively low bf% (guessing 7 or 8%... did a caliper test one time). Reps of one armed curls of 80 to 85 lbs. flash forward 10 years. It's all gone bro's. the ravages of time have taken it all!! So now i'm doing it all.... pretty much any supplement i can get my hands on, excellent diet tailored to weight lifting, and looking at some overseas suppliers for anabolics. I almost sent my $500 to a Polish outfit via western union, but came to my senses and decided against. So there it is... I'm supposed to intro myself to the community and I have. done.