Hi; I'm not exactly new to this place, but I figure I may as well drop in on you guys and see whats going on.
Ive been lifting weights since I was about 15, and have contemplated gear ever since I had started. But because of my lack of knowledge I always found myself stopping myself at the last second. which, at such a young age is a good thing.
So, I had created this account, and signed into this site a few times now every-time I had my mind set on getting gear and asked bunch of noob questions. But now I figure at the age of 21, and having a hell of a lot more knowledge ill be looking to to go on my first cycle in the next 6 months.
so, a little about me:
Age: 21
height: 169cm
weight: 74kg
BF: 20%
Meal plan.
Breakfast: 1 cup of oats and mass shake or 6 eggs
snack 1: mass shake
lunch: 200g lean meat, 1 cub brown rice
snack 2: mass shake
dinner: 200g lean meat, 1 cub brown rice
Pre-bed snack: mass shake.
I also have a post workout shake every second day when I workout.
Workout as it stands at the moment.
Day 1 - 4x8
Bench Press
Military Press
Barbell Curls
Day 3 - 5x5
Bent Over Rows
Dumbbell Incline Bench Press
Lateral Raises
Tricep Extensions
Hammer Curls
Day 5 - 3x12
Calf raises
Push Press
Bicept curls
lifting stats:
Bench: 100kg * 8
dead lift: 140kg * 8
Squat: 110kg * 8
I had taken the last 2 months of as I had become ill and as such have become much weaker, dropping my lifts by about 10%+ and my BF is now up from 12-15% hence the reason that I want to train nato for then ext 6 months before going on gear.