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Thread: The new one!

  1. #1

    The new one!

    I´m A-NDRO from Austria, wich is on the border between Italy, Swiss and Germany. Hope my writing mistakes are not going to be to bad- so that you can at least understand me.

    I´m 25 years old, 1.85cm, 98kg- which should be 200pounds, and 8,7%bodyfat.

    Cycles I did: I just use short esthers, simply think they work better.
    1.Testo Prop 50-75mg eod 14weeks
    2. Testo Propi 100-150mg eod 18 weeks
    3. Testo propis 100mg eod, Primo 300mg/week 14 weeks
    4. Testo 125mg eod 30-40mg Winstrol oral 8 weeks

    Stay tuned

  2. #2
    Hello and welcome, we love people from Europe here!!!

    jing jai

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    No source checks

    Please take the time to read the board rules..

    Please give all stats when asking quetions in the questions and answer forum.

    Stats consist of:

    Cycle history
    Years training

    Also please take the time to read all the educational threads in the q&a forum as most questions can be answered with alittle reading...

    Last edited by Matt; 06-04-2010 at 12:02 PM.
    Do not ask me for a source check.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

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