i guess i can just give my stats on here, and maybe it will get me in the right direction. However im wanting to get start steroids ASAP and need some major help.
Im going to try my best to get this out while abiding by the "rules"
Im 20 years old, 6'4" and weight about 173lbs. Right now i lift every other day and am taking protein, and creatine. I pretty much have 0 body fat, im quite toned. I love lifting, but i hate that i cant really put on weight. Senior yr of high school i got up to 190 but that was after 2 years of solid lifting. I would kill to be in the 220 range.
Im not looking to be a body builder, or anything even close. I simply would like to get bigger, so im not needing the most hardcore complex steroids out there. I want the opposite. I want the safest, i read a little about Primobolan inject. and thought maybe that would sound good. I have no problem with the injections, but like i said i want the steroids that are least likely to harm me( receding hairline, breast development, hair growth on chest/back, i know in todays day and age there have to be some pretty decent steroids that wont cause alot of these nasty effects. Especially since its purly recreational and for my own benefit, it doesnt have to be to hardcore, just something to add some size to me. Ive also looked at the "legal Steroids" on the site and the Mass stack, consisting of D-anabol 25, Tren 75, and Deca 200 looks good, but im a newb and am unsure. However those look like pills and ive read the pills are alot harder on kidneys so i think id prefer and inj.
Also, i dont plan on using long, most likely 6weeks, give or take a little. \
Please experinced users input only. Steroids are serious and im trying to learn as much as i can before starting.