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Thread: Hi, New here, Help with supplements?

  1. #1

    Hi, New here, Help with supplements?

    Hi everyone. I've been bodybuilding for pretty much 4 years on and off, solid for a year, i'm starting to grasp the concept of supplementation more and more, but i'm still a bit unsure. Here is what i've got just now -

    Trec Nutrition Creatine,
    Sci - Mx Lean Gain - 44 g Protein, 49 g Carbs
    Sci - Mx GRS - 5 Protein - 44 g protein, 2 g Carbs
    Dessicated Liver Tablets ( I take 3 a day, with meals)
    Multi - Vits (Holland and Barrett - 1 a day)
    Evening Primrose Oil Caps ( 3 a day)
    Fish Oils ( 3 a day )
    Ginkgo Bilboa ( 1 a day )
    Milk Thistle ( 1 a day )

    I'm basically just unsure of whether or not I have what I need, or whether i need more or not. I've heard that glutamine is benificial, there is some in the sci mx grs but i'm not sure if it's enough. I've also heard about ZMA for protein synthesis and recovery, so i don't know if i need that, and i don't know if I need BCAA's on top of that ?

    My diet is generally quite good, I usually start the day with 6 or 7 egg white 2 yolk omlette, with some veg, and alot of the protein I get comes from turkey steak. I usually get about 220 g per day, including 2 protein shakes.

    I'm just looking for any help that anyone can offer, eg - what supplements could i add, when to use certain supplements, what foods are good to eat at certain times. i'm sure all of you know that supplementation and nutrition can be confusing at times.

    My Stats are -
    180lbs - 185lbs
    12-14% bodyfat (i'm guessing)

    thanks folks

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Sounds like your on the right track brother. GL

    bump for vets.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    No source checks

    Please take the time to read the board rules..

    Please give all stats when asking quetions in the questions and answer forum.

    Stats consist of:

    Cycle history
    Years training

    Also please take the time to read all the educational threads in the q&a forum as most questions can be answered with alittle reading...

    Do not ask me for a source check.

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