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Thread: intro from RED

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    lodi, ca

    intro from RED

    hello, my name is red. im new to this site and all thats on here. i have lots of questions and a lot to learn. im 28 years old i weigh 290 lbs not sure what my bmi is but im working on it. i got married 3 years ago and went from working out almost daily to sitting on my ass eating home cooked meals. im finely fed up with how bad i have let myself go so am now working on getting back in i hate oatmeal and tuna, its gonna be tough i hope to absorb some of the knowledge from this site it sooms like there are some pretty knowledgeable members. ill leave my question for the q&a section and end this as my introduction. thanks for having me -RED-

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    welcome. we are here to help

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    lodi, ca
    thanks man, there is a shit ton of info here! been reading for two hours and still haven't put a notch in the forums. when i was 18 to 24 i was incarcerated and worked out for 6 years straight. then hit the gym hard for another year and a half i did a cycle of what i was told was win and tes.. i got busted with it and after a few days in jail i was released with charges dropped, come to find out i bought $400 worth of cooking oil. since then i really have let myself go and am just now doing something about it. this time im trying to do the research and put a matter of science to it instead of just going to the gym and eating tuna and peanut butter sandwiches like i had been doing. i would like so boost and am not sure were to start. i have a good connect now but im trying to decide whats best for me. im a fairly active 6foot 290 lbs. my bmi is pretty high but for my size i get around pretty good, my arms have shrink down to around 17-18s but for a fat guy i get around pretty good. i run jump and wrestle with the best of them. i have been back in the gym for a couple weeks now and am getting a diet down. should i start using a cutter this soon? what would be best? im not to keen on being lean just moving the weight up. i was thinking some tes and win again....any suggestions?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Back from Afghanistan
    Welcome! Just as a fyi, I too have an "obese" bmi, yet no gut and slight love handles.... my point? bmi is a pile of sh1t! any idea your bf%? you may want to hold off on the aas until you've given your body muscle memory a chance to kick in, allowing tendons and ligaments a chance to dial in and toughen up. Once you start aas, it's like adding a friggin blower to an engine.... better make sure your "rings and valves" are ready to handle the extra charge or else something may blow.......

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    lodi, ca

    Thumbs up

    yeah im proly gonna give it another 6 months, i already got a blown rotator cup from front laterals from being in to big of a rush 5 years ago. all i need is to pop something and be out a career too

  6. #6
    Welcome to AR

    jing jai

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Scylla and Charybdis

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