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Thread: Hello from Las Vegas!!

  1. #1

    Hello from Las Vegas!!

    Good morning all! My name is Skynet13 and living in one of the best cities in the world, LAS VEGAS!! I'm 29 year old male and highly interested in educating myself about overall proper usage. I flirted with usage back in high school (I was only 16) for about a month and have never tried it since. I was young and dumb back then but I was an athlete.

    Now I am 29 and just have this urge to get ripped and stay healthy. I'm 6' and weigh 210lbs. I wear my weight well! I was planning on just getting a membership at the local Gold's Gym and hoping to be-friend someone "in the know" BUT after finding this board I can educate myself then go meet people "in the know"

    These are a few of my goals while a member of this forum

    1) Educate myself - my mindset right now is "steroids make you big." I know its not that simple. I want to know the "how, what, when, why, etc..."

    2) Meet other people with the same interested, which is all of you! Possibly, meet and train with experienced people in Las Vegas.

    3) Become an advocate for proper steroid use

    Again, I am glad I discovered this forum. I will be reading every night! I hope to get to know some of you and most importantly EDUCATE myself.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Back from Afghanistan

    There are some good reading sections here, including the diet and exercise sections. You should get to know them well before using aas.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

  4. #4
    Welcome to AR

    jing jai

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    welcome to the forum man

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    R.I.P T
    Welcome to the Board

  7. #7
    Sweet! Give me some advice on what to do in Vegas bro...

    Oh, and welcome to the board!


  8. #8
    Welcome to the board!

  9. #9
    I am new as well and from Miami. Yes i agree check out the diet and exercise section. I've learned a lot and helped overcome my plateaus.

  10. #10
    Thank you everyone for the warm welcome. I just got off work and plan on doing a lot of reading tonight and i'm sure i'll have questions. I look forward to learning all I can.

    @Vitruvian-Man - you are going to love Vegas. Everyone who comes and visits gets infected with the "fever"! You're going to want to come back all the time! I'll check out your post on your trip to Vegas and add my 2 cents!

    @Times Roman - I'll take a look at the diet and exercise sections. Thank you for letting me know. I see that you're from the Central Valley. I lived in Fresno for 10 years before I came out to Vegas. Go Bulldogs!

    Again, thank you all for the welcomes! Lets get pumped!

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    bay area/ colfax
    welcome bro...hows vegas, im thinking about moving there... trying to find a job there first though

  12. #12
    @PC650 - Vegas is awesome. I've been here just over a year. Moved here from California. The cost of living is very affordable. When I first moved here, I rented a 3 bedroom, 1700sqft home in the nice part of town for $1000/month. Most people only know "The Strip." Vegas has much much more to offer than The Strip. I would also add that Vegas is an awesome place to raise a family. The infrastructure is well maintained. Beautiful parks and recreation all over. The thing I enjoy most about living here is that it's 24 hours. If I want to eat some sushi at 2am, I can. Nothing closes, hardly. Don't get me wrong, there are some ghetto parts just like any other town. Overall, i'm very happy I made the move here and I plan on settling down here.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    bay area/ colfax
    im thinking about henderson i have friends there and love it.....but there isnt much job ops there

  14. #14
    Henderson is nice. I used to live there but now live in Summerlin. I miss Henderson though. A lot more stuff out there compared to Summerlin, atleast in the part of Summerlin I'm in.

    Jobs are tough anywhere. I know it's especially hard here because this town is all about "Who You Know" It also, depends on what industry you're in. The casinos are ALWAYS hiring for something. Jobs that make tips are here are the norm. People make tons and tons of money from tips.

    I'll be glad to help you out anyway I can. Answer any questions you have to my best ability.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    bay area/ colfax
    thanks man i appreciate it.... im an electrician and personal trainer. havent found too many job oppenings for them

  16. #16
    Welcome bro...this is a good forum and great advice is given all the time!!!

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    No source checks

    Please take the time to read the board rules..

    Please give all stats when asking quetions in the questions and answer forum.

    Stats consist of:

    Cycle history
    Years training

    Also please take the time to read all the educational threads in the q&a forum as most questions can be answered with alittle reading...

    Do not ask me for a source check.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Welcome aboard!! I'm out in Vegas every couple months or so for business. Glad you joined, you'll find TONS of information here and lots of knowledge in many departments.

  19. #19
    @007 - Thank you for the input. I'll be sure to read those boards.

  20. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by vetteman08 View Post
    Welcome aboard!! I'm out in Vegas every couple months or so for business. Glad you joined, you'll find TONS of information here and lots of knowledge in many departments.
    Thanks for the welcome bro. I hope to learn a lot.

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    welcome and enjoy

  22. #22
    Southern Highlands Here! What's up Skynet! PC650 stay away from North Las Vegas, it's kind of bad there, that's where I lived when I first moved to Las Vegas but now I live in Southern Highlands (South Las Vegas) and I will stay unless I ever decide to move back to So. California. If you move to North Las Vegas check out Aliante, Summerlin in the west, or Mountains Edge in the South West, don't move too far east in Henderson. The closer you are to the main hwy the happier you'll be IMO.

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    New Jersey
    Welcome to the board!

  24. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by MMAGuy702 View Post
    Southern Highlands Here! What's up Skynet! PC650 stay away from North Las Vegas, it's kind of bad there, that's where I lived when I first moved to Las Vegas but now I live in Southern Highlands (South Las Vegas) and I will stay unless I ever decide to move back to So. California. If you move to North Las Vegas check out Aliante, Summerlin in the west, or Mountains Edge in the South West, don't move too far east in Henderson. The closer you are to the main hwy the happier you'll be IMO.
    MMAGuy702, I agree with you about North Las Vegas, STAY AWAY. I work up there and it's "day and night" compared to where i'm at in Summerlin. Also, I saw that you were new too, welcome bro.

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Jul 2009

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Aug 2010

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