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Thread: Cali USMC

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Camp Pendleton, CA

    Cali USMC

    Whats up. My names James im 21 and im a U.S Infantry Marine. I haven't taken AS yet. I started Powerlifting at 15 in highschool. Did Monday, Wed, Fri. bench squat, dead lift. 4 sets 6-8 reps. then did alternating auxillary workouts. tuesdays and thursdays I ran 3 miles at 8 min/ mile pace to keep sustained heart rate for fat burning. Continued this with good rest and weekend rest. Problem occured when i graduated high school started drinking and working alot so i got out of it for about 6 months. but then i joined the marine corps and got immediately back into it. Started 6 meal program of tuna and pasta. plus carb loaded vegtables. Started a legal supplement of creatine, jacked 3d, amino mega mass, and d4 fat burners with all that bullshit nitric oxide and adrenal shit it claims to do. im at about 8% bf right now. But i peaked out a lonng time ago. It takes me about 3 months to gain 5 lbs in bench. im 6'1' 175 lbs. I bench 330 and squat 375. My legs are extremely weak. I run 17:45 minute 3 mile. Im wondering if all the running is what have made my legs atrophy so bad. I been researching different techniques of body building. I took 2 weeks off with high protein and lots of stretching and rest. I dont drink or smoke. But im not getting any new veins. or anymore size. Ive tried sitting in the sauna after workouts. I eat really healthy. the Chow hall on base serves very healthy shit. I want to weigh at least 205. so thats 30 lbs. I have another year til my 1st enlistment is up and i plan i reenlisting. I wanna gain 30 lbs at the very latest 5 years. At the gym on base every marine is on steroids. And i can get legit cheap ones easily expecially with mexico being an hour drive. A have a fwe friends that are on them right now and they seem to really kno there shit. they compete bb. I dunno what would be a good cycle if I were to start? I need unbiased advice. I can post all my progress with daily pics if your interested in helpin a young marine out. Could be really cool to see my gains since ive never juiced before and i been peaked out for about 6 months now.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    I hate to say it but you are to young to be thinking about AS. You need to be at least 25 yrs or older to even begin to think about getting on the juice. Also from the pics id say you have not yet hit your natural peak. You should really hit up the diet section and get your diet in check.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    Thank you for your service .

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Camp Pendleton, CA
    Yea i kno some people say 24,25, or 26. im in no rush to use AS. I just been looking into it. I want more gains and as of right now im not moving up in strength. I did a 2 week recovery work out where i only used supplementary work outs. And carb loaded and protein loaded with only about 20 min of cardio a day. I have researched diet a lot. I stay away from sat fats like cheese. I eat tons of fish, beef jerky, tuna, and a steak once a week. Im not lookin for a easy way out but i want more gains. Im doing 8 day bb work outs to focus on muscles as a group and allow more recovery time for bigger gains but as of right now im hittin MAYBE 2 lbs a month. I wanna gain around 30 lbs in 3 years but I dont think im gunna hit it naturally. Im gunna start a newbie cycle of test enathate 400 mg a week stacked with dbol 20 mg a week, and use navadex for the side effects. im thinkin 12 week for my first cycle so get the fullest potential of AS since its my first time. Then do a 4 week PCT. I research alot of things on my own so im not asking for any answers on here just wanna chat with other bb's to stay motivated and get fresh ideas. i kno age is a factor but i been hittin it for a long time. Boot camp atrophied the **** outta my size but oh well. I want to get deeper cuts in my abs so we will see. if my age is pissin you off that i think about AS im sorry maybe i shouldnt post i kno you guys hate young newbies that want a miracle to get big. But im not like that I put in a lot of work. I just like reading other threads on here and would like to be able to ask questions and get more into it without getting plasted every post

    @dont wanna be old
    Thanks for your gratitude. Love this website being reading up on it for a few weeks now. very helpful stuff

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Scylla and Charybdis
    Welcome aboard, man.

    Feel free to start a thread in the QA section...

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Camp Pendleton, CA
    Alright! i guess the most important thing about newbies is that dont follow the rules. Lol Ill discontinue posting here and post in appropriate forum. Thanks for the welcome!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Scylla and Charybdis
    no worries, bro

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Kitchen, Gym, Kitchen....

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    James i did not get pissed of and i am not trying to say you are not motivated enough. You are obviously a better man then me being in the marines and all but, i dont belive you are fully aware of all the sides that will most likely come from using juice at your age.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Camp Pendleton, CA
    I kno I will never understand the full effects until I actually go through them and by then it will be too late and i might regret it. I just sick of trying so hard and seeing all my friends juicing and just blowing me way out of the water. I eat 10 times more than they do I rest more than they do and I dont drink and party. It makes me sick seeing them so undedicated but just killing me in the gym. In the Marine Corps its all competitive and its all about physical training. I dunno im going to do a cycle in 6 months or so and im gunna do 300 mg/wk test enathate 20 mg dbol and novadex im thinking that will give me results with smaller side effects. I might just do 12 week cycles then a ptc and go back to normal. I want to weigh 205 lbs so bad and ive wanted it for 4 years now I see you guys on here just yolked up and I want that. I just gotta do it. I kno i could have more potential gains doing the longer rout but i want my MAX weight at 240 i dont want 275 because u start to get a big waist. 240 is my 10 year goal 205 2-3 year goal. I gotta find better excersises and better diets. But thanks for the welcoming

  11. #11
    Tigershark's Avatar
    Tigershark is offline "Who wants to be Clark Kent, when you can be Superman."
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    New Hampshire
    Welcome to the boards and thanks for your service.

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