Whats up. My names James im 21 and im a U.S Infantry Marine. I haven't taken AS yet. I started Powerlifting at 15 in highschool. Did Monday, Wed, Fri. bench squat, dead lift. 4 sets 6-8 reps. then did alternating auxillary workouts. tuesdays and thursdays I ran 3 miles at 8 min/ mile pace to keep sustained heart rate for fat burning. Continued this with good rest and weekend rest. Problem occured when i graduated high school started drinking and working alot so i got out of it for about 6 months. but then i joined the marine corps and got immediately back into it. Started 6 meal program of tuna and pasta. plus carb loaded vegtables. Started a legal supplement of creatine, jacked 3d, amino mega mass, and d4 fat burners with all that bullshit nitric oxide and adrenal shit it claims to do. im at about 8% bf right now. But i peaked out a lonng time ago. It takes me about 3 months to gain 5 lbs in bench. im 6'1' 175 lbs. I bench 330 and squat 375. My legs are extremely weak. I run 17:45 minute 3 mile. Im wondering if all the running is what have made my legs atrophy so bad. I been researching different techniques of body building. I took 2 weeks off with high protein and lots of stretching and rest. I dont drink or smoke. But im not getting any new veins. or anymore size. Ive tried sitting in the sauna after workouts. I eat really healthy. the Chow hall on base serves very healthy shit. I want to weigh at least 205. so thats 30 lbs. I have another year til my 1st enlistment is up and i plan i reenlisting. I wanna gain 30 lbs at the very latest 5 years. At the gym on base every marine is on steroids. And i can get legit cheap ones easily expecially with mexico being an hour drive. A have a fwe friends that are on them right now and they seem to really kno there shit. they compete bb. I dunno what would be a good cycle if I were to start? I need unbiased advice. I can post all my progress with daily pics if your interested in helpin a young marine out. Could be really cool to see my gains since ive never juiced before and i been peaked out for about 6 months now.