Been registered for awhile, but finally here to stay and learn.
Looking to do my first cycle early next year (Jan or Feb). In the mean time I plan to learn as much as I can. With there being so much to learn I have decided that I am going to focus all my studying revolving around doing a 500mg X 12 Test Ethanate cycle.
My main focus will be learning proper dieting to achieve the best results from cycle, and how to best support my body while on cycle and developing a good PCT so that I can keep as much of my gains as possible.
I don't know if the forums show your age, but I am 25 and will be turning 26 while on cycle.
So with that being said I know there is mountains of info on this board so if someone could just post some useful links to good articles or threads to help me get started on my studying it would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks ahead of time