Hello everyone. I was sitting here on this great sat. morning looking for reviews on anabolics and came across this great site. I started to read a lot of the other posts in the forum and came to the reality that a lot of you guys and girls are just like i am. (lifting for the love of lifting) So i figured i would become a member and start learning all that i can from this site on anabolics. Anyway, to start off, im 29 years old 6'0" and 190lbs. I've been hitting the weights for about 2 straight now and started off by just taking test boosters, pre workout supp., protein, multivitamins. Then i had a friend introduce me to prohormones and i have done a few cycles of those (hdrol,alpha 1) with cycle assist, organ shield, fish oil, milk thistle and used PCT afterwards. But when i started to really get into doing research for them i found that all they really are is a weaker anabolic. So that brings me to here, where i want to find out as much as possible and work to better myself and my body. And hopefully make some new friends along the way. Anyways that me in a nutshell, talk to ya soon.