Hi all.
Just joined today. I've been on a desire to get in shape. I'm 43, 5'6" and weighed 235.5 last time. I'm currently fat and miserable. I have a good frame and some decent natural bulk, and I think I'm a medium fast gainer. I do admit I am not very disciplined, and haven't hit the iron for long lengths of time at a time, so I never made the progress I could have. I've never taken real gear. I have taken many OTC supps. I'm having some arthritis like pain in my elbow, and it's hampered my training lately, I was doing some heavy DB curls and presses. Anyway, just an intro here. I've been into bodybuilding since maybe 1982 as a sometimes practitioner, never a competitor, but always an enthusiast. My goals have been changing in the last few days, I wanna get lean and ripped, more than I care about getting big and massive. I'm at an age and time where I think the effort of getting this fat off my body and having definition is most important. OK, I guess this is a decent intro post.