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Thread: Hi from Australia

  1. #1

    Hi from Australia

    Hi guy's and girl's

    New guy from north west QLD Australia checking in .

    I am 28 year's old have play'd sport most of my life took a brake for about a year and a half was in pretty bad shape , well not to bad but not good ether .

    Then got back into running and started lifting about a year ago but only been lifting with intent and a goal in mind for a bout six month's .

    like most of us here I suppose I am looking for answers to some question's that I have so I will just be doing a lot of reading and posting when I think I can help out .

    I am obviously considering using something I was thinking HGH as it seem like a better choice than a steroid to me , but after looking at it and asking a few people I seem to be being directed at steroid's to start with I am not looking at doing anything for a few month's just researching , that last bit is not a question I am just trying to let people know what brought me here .

    If you have any advice please feel free to share it with me , but I just wanted to say hi .

  2. #2
    Tigershark's Avatar
    Tigershark is offline "Who wants to be Clark Kent, when you can be Superman."
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  3. #3
    Thanks Tigershark , I have been having a look around the site lot's of good info glad I found this place .

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    flying from the ashes
    Welcome. HGH is expensive and hard to get(the real stuff) in Australia.

    You need a few years of consistant weights and diet before considering AAS. You could do some real damage.

  5. #5
    Hi auslifta thank's for the welcome .

    HGH is expensive I am not worried about the cost so much I don't really no anyone that could get it , well I probably do I haven't gone around asking everyone ether.

    My initial reason I thought HGH was it is a naturally occurring hormone so I thought it would be safer than a steroid , now that I have done a bit of research I know that I was wrong in my assumption , wile HGH can be beneficial I don't think I am ready for it yet .

    The main thing I wanted to do was just build a bit of mass but not like 20lb's or anything like that just a bit of a push to get started and help me build a bit of muscle faster .

    I am now thinking that a steroid is a better option than HGH but I may need to wait a bit longer than I anticipated ? I am thinking test .

    I think my diet is pretty good and has been for the last six month's I am still making gain's and trimming bf at the same time , not remarkable gain's but I am still improving .

    Thanks D .
    Last edited by Aussie D; 09-12-2011 at 04:04 AM.

  6. #6
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    Jun 2008
    Kitchen, Gym, Kitchen....

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    Sep 2011

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