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Thread: wantin to go pro one day

  1. #1

    wantin to go pro one day

    hi, people
    my name is perry i been training for bout 2 years straight now have been training since i was 14 but keep having a lot of injuries which have continually set me back.
    1st one was my collar bone
    2nd was my hamstring (little tear)
    3rd was my knee sprained all tendons to the front below and above
    4th neck, this is the bad one everytime i shoulder press above 90 kg my neck feels like its going to dislocate itself (very painful) has made me pass out twice. i have been to the doctor about it he told me that my muscles were in a type of over tension. he gave me some stuff to relax me and my neck but didnt really help at all

    I'm worried that these injuries will prevent me from ever becoming a pro in the bodybuilding ranks.
    Can anyone help with the neck thing? have you had any experiance with this?
    lastly are all bb on roids? are the important to get anywhere?
    my stats are: weight 210lbs ish
    chest 46
    arms 17
    legs 26
    waist 32 (somtimes 33)
    calves 19
    neck 17
    forarm 14
    im currently in a leaning phase tho not properly need to drop bout 6 lbs to get me abs fully out,
    my diet is 300g 350g protein 300g 350g carbs 100g fat
    i have one protein shake and amino tablets and cla
    thanks for any help

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Back from Afghanistan
    Welcome to the board mate!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    welcome lil iron lover,, you can attain anything within reason if u place ALL your heart into it!! just keep moving forward research all ur about to do and ask as many questions as you can.. ur well on your way so stick around and join a good gym were you can find "some" old farts like us who love ambitious young lads who are willing to LISTEN & work hard for there dreams.... Take it by Force!!!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Atlanta, Georgia, USA
    Welcome to the board bro!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    East Coast beach town
    Welcome to the board

  6. #6
    thanks to all always willing to earn

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Welcome bro.

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