Hi there, hit a few days ago n thought id give this forum a go since id like to really progress in body building, what can i say, my name is "Bevsta" (lets just say that for security sakes" I live in Western Australia, Perth and I started lifting on the 3/10/2011 (yes a few months ago) not really looking to hit roids yet, really wanted to see how doing it naturally would get me, gained some muscle here n there but still trying to progress :P. i started bbuilding mainly because i was unhappy with my skinny physique due to me playing soccer for the past 6 years and wanting to try something new. I have been loving going to the gym I can see small differences here and there.
The things that inspired me to gym was that my uncle because he was a pro body builder in south africa and he always talks about his glory days. other things are that im starting TAFE/College next year and i wanted to better my physique and my best mate gyms a lot (his natural) and because im skinny he enjoys to crack his share of skinny jokes on me :P
I hope to know and be friends with you all on the forum.