Hello all. I'm new to the site been here about 8-9 days now and it seems like all I've been doing is reading, and that is not a complaint. It's very nice to see so much great info from so many dedicated people. Iv'e literally immersed my spare time in reading as much info as i can in the last few days, and it only feels like the tip of the ice berg.
Iv'e started this journey not just for myself but for my brothers as well. We've all trained for years and seen moderate to great gains. Now we want much more. We have always wanted to be powerlifters more so than we currently are. We have never committed to lifting though as we have in the last year, and now another thing has come into the mix. In the last month or so we're finally dieting properly. With out this I knew we couldn't even consider AAS's. My brothers are far to hasty to jump on things without researching them properly, so it falls to me to be that guy. I don't mind as long as I can keep my family from getting hurt or scammed, and I love to research any way.
Look forward to talking with anyone who is knowledgeable and helpful. I've never been big on forums. Mainly the biggest problem I have is posting. Many of the questions I have seem to be easily found if you look in the right places here. Thats the way it seems to me any way. So I end up not posting frequently. Good example, this is my first one.
One question I do have though is my brothers, my GF, a close friend, and I are all starting different diets and different lifting routines come Monday (we're all doing basically the same thing, but we're switching our current stuff). I'm taking record of everything we're doing and would like to keep kind of an entry of our progress throughout the upcoming months, and if we finally do cycle record and the stuff from that as well. What would be a good forum to do that in to get feedback on our stuff or would it be better to blog that?
Thanks to anyone who takes the time to read this, and
Hello to all.