The idea of steroids has always scared me. maybe it's the media influence, maybe it's all the horror story's you hear.
i am considering doing a cycle but i hear once you start the addictive tendencies are strong and you will do it all the time.
1) where is a reliable source to go to get accurate information concerning pros and cons for steroid use?
2) i have been working out for 7 years, the last 4 months i have slacked considerably and gaind 20-30 lbs of fat due to an injury and a bit of depression and stress in my life. will steriods help me burn that fat while im putting on muscle?
3) im interested in lean muscle not a large amounts of bulk, 20 to 25lbs would be more then enough, what is a good steroid to use in order to put on 20 to 25 lbs of lean muscle and drop the fat i have at the same time?
4)what are good ways to help with the side effects, acne, depression when the cycle is over, getting your own testosterone levels back to normal after the cycle is over, etc?
5) where can i go to fined a meal plan that will work while doing a cycle? at my best im 6"1 and 170lbs right now im 190lbs, 30lbs of fat of coursei know how to loose fat but have no idea how to lose fat while gaining muscle because although i have lifted iv'e never actually gained much muscle.
6) where can i find a good work out plan to put gains on and loose body fat?
7) is roid rage real? if so how do you deal with it?
8) what are the chances that after going though a cycle i will be able to avoid doing another cycle if i dont want to?
9) 5 years ago i tried the "legal" steroids that the sell at max muscle all i got was a case of shingles which was the most painful thing iv'e ever been though, has anyone ever had a case of shingles due to taking roids?
10) last but not least Are steroids worth taking???
any response or advice would be greatly appreciated, im not going to just jump in and do this with out research or advise.