My name is Jeff, Im 18 and I'm a natural bodybuilder and will always try to be, I've been lifting since 8th grade, but i joined this site to offer my advice based on scientific research and my own trial and error. I'm currently going to college and one day hope to be a pharmacologist. I love to weight lift, bike, run, learn new things, hang out with friends, listen to music, etc. I'm very interested in chemistry, biology, and human biology(as well as medicine) which is partially why I joined this site.
Height- 5' 10"
Weight- 175 lb
bodyfat %- about 11-12%
Chest(as well as lats of course)- 46 in
Arms- 16 in
Neck- 19 in
Waist- 32 in
forearms- 14 in
Shoulders- 53 in
Hips-37 in
Thighs-24 in
Calves- 15 in
current Lifting stats(maxes in lbs)
Flat Barbell Bench Press- 340
Squat- 410
Romanian deadlift- 510
Barbell rows- 385 for 3 reps
Pull ups(in a single set in a row, not from a dead hang)- 31 reps
Seated shoulder barbell press- 245
Seated dumbell lateral raises- 45 lb dumbbells for 8 reps
Barbell curls- 155 for 6 reps
Dumbell curls- 75 lb dumbbells for 5 reps