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Thread: new and ready. Just need little info

  1. #1

    Question new and ready. Just need little info

    Im 26, 215pounds at 6'2-1/2", i work out 5X a week, eat everything possible. Currently taking black powder, glutamine, creatine k, fish oils. Nothing serious.

    I'm ready to get some gain. My motabolism is extreamly fast, if i miss a meal by mistake... there goes 3 pounds next time i weigh it. I want to be be bigger, im tired of being stuck at 215. So what do people recommend? What about the pills this site sells, any of them good? Oh, i dont know where to buy real storiods, so that answer wont help me. I'm open for options. I tried some anodrol pills before and gained all the way to 234 and was really strong, but once i stopped it went away and the gaines werent muscle looking but more bloated! Your knowledge would be awsome!!!!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    The stuff sold here is supplements not steroids.

    This is not a source board and there are rules against fishing for sources.

  3. #3
    wasnt looking for a source, nor did i ask for one. i said i dont know anywhere so thats NOT and option. How about letting me know what type of supplements would help out the best and to keep gains... that would of been pretty cool.

  4. #4
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    I was simply stating that we are not a source board. When people say they cant find a source it often turns into fishing for one. I was warning you to help you out.

    Im sorry i wasnt cool enough to help you

  5. #5
    my bad.. it seemed like u where saying i was phishing...kinda cought me off guard. I'm really just want to know if the items on this site really work or if theres suppliments out there that help a hardgainer gain weight

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by wrestlerjf View Post
    my bad.. it seemed like u where saying i was phishing...kinda cought me off guard. I'm really just want to know if the items on this site really work or if theres suppliments out there that help a hardgainer gain weight
    I dont believe in hardgainers. Almost always it is the diet and training that needs to change.

    What is your current diet like?

  7. #7
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    We see and hear this Q everyday ..

    Have a think for a min... if there was a herb that you could take that would act like AAS do you think you might have herd about it already ?

  8. #8
    my current diet is to eat 3400 calories, 300carb, 300 protien a day. I can do it most of the time... but it get pretty tough to eat that much. Is there atlease something that helps make you hungry? Some kind of herb maybe?

    Gym- Im not looking for a magic pill. Im was wondering if there is one that would help with my gains.

  9. #9
    food wise is more random... gets to expensive to eat steak and fish all the time. so wheat bread, potatoes, eggs, tuna, peanuts, whey protien shake... anything i can get my hands on really

  10. #10
    and training. is monday-chest/tri Tues- bi/back Wens- abs Thurs-legs Friday-shoulders/forearms

  11. #11
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    Welcome to AR. You will find plenty of information here to help you out.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by wrestlerjf View Post
    wasnt looking for a source, nor did i ask for one. i said i dont know anywhere so thats NOT and option. How about letting me know what type of supplements would help out the best and to keep gains... that would of been pretty cool.
    Firstly Welcome to AR

    Noles was right in what he said tho, we are not a source board and although you may not have intentionally asked for a source, what you did say could be seen as fishing.

    Fishing is when a person drops hints to suggest that they are looking for a source... This is when they receive PM's from scammers that are looking to take advantage and rip u off...

    Were here to look out for u bro

    Good luck on the board, post your questions int he relevant sections and reading the rules is a great place to start

  13. #13
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    Welcome to the board

  14. #14
    thanks guys...i read my post. i guess it does sound a little off. I guess ill just search around and try to find a good thread that could help me out. Oh, and dont take this personally.... but its phishing not fishing. Just a heads up for future reference

  15. #15
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    Welcome to AR

  16. #16
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