Hey guys this is my first post so please forgive me for not knowing everything
A little about me. I'm 25, male, and 184 lbs at 6 foot tall. I eat all the right things but do no see the gains. I do not know calorie intake and all the other numbers i have seen many posting but i go by nutrition.com and a few article i read. I am working out as i should but i have only gained about 7-9 lbs over the past 2 years. Being tired of busting my butt i am about to start a cycle and would like to know anything that i might not about running it and pct witch im more concerned with pct and bitch tits and no libido.
I will be running a cycle for 10 weeks of 250mg-boldenon undecylenate 2x week at 1cc and 300mg of sustanon 2x week at 1cc i was told that this would be a good first cycle and i should see some gains and not much water retention and not too bad sides. If you guys think i should use something other than this or different amounts or anything like that i would love to hear detailed opinions!
Reading up on pct i have come across people who like nolvadex and clomid either by themselves or together during cycle and pct. do i need to take something while on cycle and would you just continue the same through pct? I have most people prefer nolvadex to clomid because clomid has many more sides and doesn't work with the receptors as well. i was thinking about just buying straight Tamoxifen because it is half the cost of nolvadex.
Can i just use Tamoxifen as a pct, should i use i through cycle too?
Ive been seeing bunches of people who swear by HCG but its very expensive and according to most places it is usually fake or so deluded your better off to skip it entirely. It seems like many people are using HCGenerate and having good results but i dont see too many ppl on here talk about it
I see ppl online that swear by using Post Cycle II and HCGenerate with Unleashed. What is your opinion of these and do i need all 3?
What do i really need for pct, how long do i continue use through pct, what sides will i see, aprox cost, is my cycle good for a first time, how could i improve it, what kind of results will i see, and is 10 weeks long enough for my nads to shrink?
i appreciate any info you can give me even if you link stuff i dont mind reading im just trying to be as informed as possible and ask people who really use gear and no some bullshit article posted by a company pushing product.
if you guys are more comfortable emailing me just message me and ill provide my email sorry for any stupidity i may have displayed but id rather be call stupid and taught correctly than run into problems ive been reading online.
thanks guys
ps why do ppl mention rats in here often?
if i need to move to another thread let me know