hey everyone!
this is my first post with this username. i was an avid member about 6-7 years ago but forgot my older username. i have experimented with all sorts of legal (m-drol, h-drol, p-plex, AHD, etc) and illegal (winny pills, winny liquid, d-bol, tren , anavar , deca , masteron , just to name a few). at the moment, i am interested in legal supplements that people are seeing good growth from. currently, my goals are probably similar to all of yours- lose body fat/ harden, increase size, and improve symmetry and weak points.
bodybuilding has been a rewarding party of my life. it is where i learned the work ethic that i apply to all phases of my life. i have learned alot, but still have plenty to learn. i look forward to learning from all of you