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  1. #1
    HJA1966 is offline New Member
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    No such thing as a stupid question so,,,

    I am new to the forum, I have a couple of questions, I truly hope I posted them in the proper forum.
    I am a 45 year male, that has been a desk jockey for the last 25 years. I was in the best shape of my life while in the service, I left the Army at 5'10", 230lbs, with lots of bulk and no slouch around the weight room in the barracks. 25 years later, I found myself at 344lbs and pear shaped. In the last seven weeks, I have lost 44 (reaching 300 today). I lost the first 22 in a month, just avoiding soda, rice, beans, bread, fast food, and not eating after 8pm; I also introduced myself to chicken, buffalo, yogurt and water. After that I went on HCG (today is day 18) and have lost approximately 20lbs. I have only 22 more days of that diet and that is where my question comes in; what can I do between the 4 to 6 weeks I have to wait to start my 2nd cycle of HCG. I have been suggested that I try HGH or go back to what I was doing prior. I am lost, and while I can't say money isn't an issue, we are all going through some hard times. I am looking for some suggestions. I have been reading the different forums here and it seems there is a lot of experience out there. My goal is to reach 230 again, 70lbs away, and re-add muscle, I will worry about stretch marks later. My exercise is limited due to the knees though walking is no problem at all. I feel great, but nothing compared to what I know I could feel or did just a few years ago. Thanking you all in advance, any suggestions?

  2. #2
    Times Roman's Avatar
    Times Roman is offline Anabolic Member
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    Welcome to the board mate
    the bottom line is at some point, you will have to do the hard work, and that is get control of your diet and develop an exercise plan. At first, I'd suggest cardio only, and skip the strength training until your weight comes down and less of a strain on the heart. Second, i'd suggest a complete physical if you have not already done so. third, you may think about getting tested for low testosterone . this is actually a common thing, and if you are deficent, bringing your test levels back up will help you in your overall goals (and make it easier to boot).
    Good luck!

  3. #3
    brazey's Avatar
    brazey is offline's Official Greeter
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  4. #4
    stpete is offline Banned
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    Welcome and congrats on your progress.

  5. #5
    sgt2jay's Avatar
    sgt2jay is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    i was in the same boat as you. i was in perfect shape in the Army, but when i got out and was reminded of what food with flavor was like i was lik ethat kid in will wonka diving in the chocolate. I hit 295lbs last fall i slimmed down to 180lbs now after first cycle im at about 210 with what i cal some touch up left in the belly area.

    I cant advise on HGC only from what i have read and it is more of a quick fix if a fix at all.

    the first 6 months of my weight loss all i did was focus on portion control and counting calories, and after dinner to a 30 minute walk. it this point i didnt worry to much in the way of what i ate just kept portions small.

    after the first year i started focusing on cleaning up the diet (still a work in progress) and continue to tweek and adjust with help from the guys here.

    For what it is worth id say dont focus on a weight goal let the mirror tell you whne you are there. Its a long process but anything worth doing takes time to do it right.

  6. #6
    Tigershark's Avatar
    Tigershark is offline "Who wants to be Clark Kent, when you can be Superman."
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