I'm excited to be joining the boards. This website was my first source of info before I began cycling so it's not just a bookmark, but a place in my heart.
I've been cycling for 4 years now, but I haven't run a cycle since moving to Japan for work about a year ago. I've got the itch to start back up and joining this forum is the first step in my commitment to getting back in the game.
Training: I'm a powerlifter, but I love looking good, too. Before moving to Japan, I trained with medium reps in the offseason (6-12) before switching to a Sheiko-like routine 12 weeks out from a meet. Since moving to Japan, I have had trouble finding adequate facilities to reach my training goals. Currently, I train using a bench I bought and also on a playground near my apartment. You do what you can.
Cycle history: To date I've never used anything but testosterone cypionate (started with 500mg/week went up to 750mg/wk in more recent cycles). So my cycles have been fairly light so far. I love testosterone, but I'm ready to try some new compounds.
Thanks guys; I appreciate any help I get and look forward to contributing myself.