Hello Everyone
As you can see on my profile, I am 23 years old Male with over than 5 years experience at GYM.
However, I have been in prof. sports from my childhood.(track & field/junior league)
I am 6.1 feet with over 190 lbs. and around 20% of fat
I have good diet , which 5-6 meal a day full of cards and protein with some amount of good fats...
For supplements I use Animal Pak vitamins as well as some protein, creatine...etc
Right now I am stuck with 190 lbs for over that a year without any big improvements
I really workout hard and keep motivating myself, however its hard without having the progress
My all friend advice me to start with Test..E(250mg/1ml) 500mg/week for 10weeks and finish with 4 weeks of Nolvadex...
Please, give me your opinion, or advice me a good cycle...
Thank you