new member here looking for answers and opinions, 42yo 220lb 5'10" fair shape individual, I started a good paying physically demanding trucking job last aug, since then my physique has improved, Ive been soda sober since oct=better results, and this will be my 2nd month in the gym. I plan to start a cycle in sep. I am fortunate to live on the southern border of TX and can easily go south and see a doctor in Reynosa, Tamps, MX. my neighbor who suffers from gout,high press, diabetes, sees this doctor. this doctor also owns a pharmacy and I can easily see him once a week. Im planning a deca and Test stack for about 10wks, I need a little more info on PCT using using nolvadex chlomid and HCG. when I see this doctor I dont want to seem ignorant and I want to learn as much as possible from this forum. Hope this intro wasnt to long and hope to hear from yall soon.