Hello all.
I'm using this site for motivation and information to help me get back to my old form and hopefully feel a little younger. I think this site has some of the best information regarding nutrition, supplements, and training, that I've seen online.
The main goal is to get back to looking like I did when I was in college. I was a collegiate baseball player and at one point I was at 170lbs, now I'm an old man(kind of, 34) and have neglected my body over the years and I've shriveled down to 140lbs. I'm just a shell of my old self. I know what kind of work I need to put in to get to where I need to be as I've done it before, although it won't be as easy at 34 as it was when I was 20.
When I was younger (17) I was asked if I wanted to try roids and being the young, uninformed idiot I was, I took a friend up on the offer. I was given a circular plastic container with small pellets in them and was told they were roids. I didn't know a thing about them but I ingested them according to the instructions I was given for about one month. I now believe they were from a farm and were for cows. I truly believe they were roids based on my gains, and the fact that I chased my 11 year old sister down the hall of our house and slammed her head into a door once when she made me angry, and I am not a violent person. After that I was done and never took them again. Taking those pellets has to be one of the biggest regrets of my life because I don't know what they were or how I may have affected my health in the long term. Fortunately it was only for one month.
Anyhow, I doubt I'll get to the point where I might want to take roids as I have quite a ways to go before I reach my natural limit. Plus, I live in Switzerland and I have a good job and a great family, and I don't want to mess either of those things up with any potential legal problems. So you won't find me trolling for a roids source on this site.
I'm looking forward to this journey back to my old self and learning from the contributors to this site.