Been lurking around for a while, decided to finally join up. A little about myself... I'm 28, 6'1" and currently 205 at ~14% BF at the end of a "bulk". I've spent alot of time in the gym on and off for most of my life, but really have been seriously lifting for about a year and a half now. Results have been great, and continue to progress. I have found that lifting is important, but diet is key. You can lift all day long, but if your diet isn't honed in you're just spinning your wheels.
A note, I have never taken AAS. Right now, I am not at a place where I want or need to as I am still happy with the progression I am making naturally. However, I want to educate myself in the event I ever do decide to try AAS. From what I have read here, AAS user or not, everyone is interested in helping others improve.
Anyway, I appreciate the knowledge and members on this board, I've learned a lot just reading, and hope to learn even more participating.