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Thread: Test prop first cycle afew questions

  1. #1

    Test prop first cycle afew questions

    Hey every so I'm about to start my first cycle... For so long I was going to do a var only cycle then I realized its not worth it if I don't run a cycle with test.

    So anyway I'm 24 95kgs (210) pounds)
    My cycle is alittle different to a lot as I will be using my cycle for mma.
    I want to get stronger and stuff but not gain a huge amount of weight and size so that I get slow and sluggish.

    I live in Thailand and train 8 hours a day 6 days a week.
    I do 2 hours mma sparring in the morning with hard cardio then weights then another 2 hours muay Thai ad boxing then I usually do jujitsu at nights I go running twice a week 5km up super steep hills .
    My diet is spot on except Sundays when I don't train I usually just have a hamburger or something maybe.

    So basically here is my cycle.
    I was looking to run 1.4ml test prop eod
    For around 7 to 9 weeks.
    I was wondering if 1.4 is a good dosage or should I just run 1ml or is that not enough?
    Also I was going to run between 20 to 50mg of var Ed for first 4 weeks but I just want to get pumps and kill my cardio on it as I have a fight in 3 n half weeks n I'll be starting my cycle in next few days.
    I think that's pretty much everything I will be running pct a stuff just wanted to no about the prop n will it slow me down to much.
    Any help will be much much appreciated.
    Cheers heaps.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2011

    first of all, good call on not using var without test. secondly, im assuming your prop is dosed at 100mg/ml. if so, 1.4ml is fine, but remember to use an AI on cycle to combat estrogen levels and other e2 related sides.

    forget the var in this cycle. the pumps can be intense and may interfere with your mma. it's also important to see how your body will react to exogenous testosterone without the potential complications of an oral.

    pct should include a standard protocol of clomid and nolva.

  3. #3
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Welcome lukie. Paste your question over to the AAS Q & A forum and you'll get a bunch of responses.


  4. #4
    austinite's Avatar
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  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    Welcome lukie. Paste your question over to the AAS Q & A forum and you'll get a bunch of responses.

    my bad, i didn't even realize this was the New Members forum..doh! but i welcomed him?? lol

  6. #6
    Ohh crap sorry Its late and Im on my iPhone cheers heeps for te reply I guess I'll skip the var then.
    There is afew boys training here that run winny but from what I've heard the joit pain is hell.
    I just thought running an oral was good because it will stop me getting so bloated and I am
    Really not keen for huge amounts of water weight I don't really wana go up much weight coz I'll have to fight heavier.
    So just test prop will be fine with aromasin arimidex or proviron??
    I just need the best for me to keep my cardio n stuff.
    I will run standard pct. the shop next to my hotel sells legit roids over the counter so can get absolutely anything I want at cheap price do anything to help me would be great.
    Also I was thinking of running clen for 2 weeks towards the end of my cycle just so I get really cut up at the end.
    I'm not sure of body fat as I've never had a proper test an people always say such differnt stuff I can see my abbs but there not like out rageiouslu defined.
    I train huge hours so I eat a lot of rice and stuff to keep my body fueled so I dont loose muscle.
    Anyway thanks again guys.
    Ad I Jst thought 1.4ml mg eod or 1mlmg would be good coz I heard if u go at 2ml it bloats u up a lot more ?

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    Welcome to the Board...

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    grillin chicken
    Welcome Lukie

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