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I'm probably gonna get blasted on here but it was my first time and the person who was helping my ass bailed. So here we go...
I'm 32 been working out my whole life with sports and shit like that. I started taking supplements back when M1T came out, then superdrol, then Omnivol which are all oral (used to be legal) shit you could by over the counter.
Then, my next door neighbor walked outside ripped and huge but short as hell. I was like Jesus! What the hell do you take and here we are...
I ran Test E for 1-9 weeks, Supertest 10-15 and then my boy's supply dried up and he had no nolvadex, clomid, HCG or anything. Then the damn dude moved to Florida and his supplier wouldn't work with anyone new so then I was ****ed. I had a new girlfriend, my test crashed, no libido, limp ass dick, no drive, motivation to do anything, stopped going to the gym.
Finally, I got a hold of some more Test E cause I was about to lose my girlfriend, got back in the gym, and have been gaining but now I've been on consistently for 1 year and a half. I'm scared that my test will never recover and the availability of a legit site for clomid, HCG or whatever else I might need scares the shit out of me.
What the hell do I do to come off and be able to have sex, motivation with work, and not be tired all the damn time
What do I need to take and for how long?
Had my blood tested one time during the last year and a half and my test when I ran out of shit was 280. Everything else was normal except my liver enzymes which were very slightly elevated.
Any help with this would be greatly appreciated. I do know now after speaking with some other people that I should buy the entire cycle next time at once and have everything ready to come off when I begin. Great info to have when I started this last one but guess the guy didn't think it was important.