Hello, I am a 28 year old male from the midwest whom has been strength training now for approximately ten years. I have suffered the negative impact of hormonal deficiency my entire adult life as it went undiagnosed until recently. I owe much to this website and web forum as I have learned a great, great deal and am still learning.
I am both a husband and as of recently a new father first and foremost. Career wise, I have a background in academic sciences. I have my B.S. in biochemistry and went on to graduate school for two years in pursuit of a Doctorate in Chiropractic. Major life changes and changes in philosophy lead me away from this pursuit and I am now in the process of my entrance to medical school. As far as hobbies go; powerlifting and bodybuilding are major passions of mine.
This site alone has peaked my interest greatly in the endocrine system. Although I am still currently undecided on field focus, I see a dire need for medical physicians in the field whom have mastery in hormone replacement therapy. I just may decide to pursue this particular field as I've found fault in my personal physicians and found much via self research and informed members of web forums such as this.
So, thank you and it's great to be aboard.