I wasn't sure what other thread I could post this question on so I decided to post it here. Anyway, I've heard that AAS can weaken your ligaments/tendons and put you at a higher risk of injury. I'm wonder what the consensus on this statement is among people experienced with AAS. Have you experienced more injuries? If you have, in your opinion was it related to the use of AAS alone or from lifting heavier weights due to increased weight or some other cause?
I'm currently rehabing from hip surgery as well as slowly overcoming chronic hamstring tendonitis in both legs. Because of these issues most of my lower body has atrophied quite a bit so I'm hoping to regain some size and strength when the time comes for me to do my first cycle. I have about 10 years of lifting experience but am new to the world of AAS. Any advice or information you can offer on this matter would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!