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Thread: New member to the Forum. Athlete seeking some experienced advice. Thanks.

  1. #1

    New member to the Forum. Athlete seeking some experienced advice. Thanks.

    Hey guys/girls,

    New to the site, obviously. But not new to being in the gym. I try to workout at least 4 or 5 times a week, however it is hard being a full time student. Anyway, I have a foundation of knowledge when it comes to the use of anabolic steroids, however I'm having trouble pin-pointing which supplement is suitable for me personally. My weight right now is at about 205 lbs while standing at 6 feet even. I couldn't tell you off hand what my BF% or BMI is (if that matters), however, I'm pretty athletic. I play football in the summer and consistently maintain my weight and strength throughout the rest of the year, so I can't imagine either of those being extremely unhealthy. Getting to the point, my goals are to (like everybody else it seems) is to burn body fat, and build up muscle mass. I know this is a pretty generic goal, but I am not trying to be the next Heath or Coleman. My work ethic is good, and my diet is about average (could use improvements). Basically, I am looking for a bit of advice on what steroid to take, the names 'Anavar', 'Winstrol', and 'Dbol' have came up talking to friends, but they don't know what you guys do. Hope this makes sense. Get back to me, Cheers.

  2. #2
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Welcome FJ. Spend some time and browse all the forums as valuable info awaits you. Be sure to read the sticky threads in the forums you have an interest in. They will save you much time and enhance your knowledge greatly.


  3. #3
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  4. #4
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    Welcome. I was and still am an athlete and from my experience only I can tell you that you can achieve your goals without the use of AAS. The tool that you are looking for is knowledge, how to eat and how to train. Once you have that knowledge you keep it and build upon it. AAS is instant gratification, and I'm my opinion is not worth the detriment to your hpta system unless you plan to use it for the rest of your career/life. AAS made me stronger, but the bulkyness slowed me way down and killed my agility. Not for serious athletes, just my opinion though. I love the nutrition forum, start there then go to the hrt forum, that should help you understand what your about to get into. I'm not bashing AAS, it has many great purposes, just none that I will take the risk on again. Knowledge is key here, you can never get enough of it.

  5. #5
    Good to have somebody in the same position and experience. I respect your advice and insight, and I'm fully aware that by using AAS, it will not make me a better athlete. My goal is not so much to bulk that I cannot perform, it's the opposite, to cut, but also gain strength. I have just heard from a few guys that 'Winstrol' and 'Anavar' are considered athlete steroids? And wanted to join on here to further research, I could be wrong. I understand it takes time, and you can reach your goals through natural accomplishments, and it is probably safest to do so, but I'm heading more towards this path, as I have a few guys who I know have been quite successful from AAS, I just don't trust their knowledge as much I could get from here. Thanks man.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Kitchen, Gym, Kitchen....

    you're in the right place!

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  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Welcome to the board.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Welcome to the board.

  11. #11
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    Welcome. I suggest looking thru the Nutrition section, diet is going to be more help than AAS. When I started Test-C, I experienced a decent amount of water retention over 11 lbs in 2.5 weeks a lost definition and my diet and training are/were dialed in well. How old are you again? What kind of history do have with other supplements. Slow down and look around the site there is tons of info and everyone has their favorite this or that so read up, ask questions if You have looked first and can't find it. Use the sticky's and search bar, please. You'll see the same questions asked everyday over and over so look see if it is here first or if you don't understand what you have read, some the stuff is technical but most you just gotta wade through it and educate yourself. HAVE A BLAST man.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by 555mjolnir View Post
    Welcome. I suggest looking thru the Nutrition section, diet is going to be more help than AAS. When I started Test-C, I experienced a decent amount of water retention over 11 lbs in 2.5 weeks a lost definition and my diet and training are/were dialed in well. How old are you again? What kind of history do have with other supplements. Slow down and look around the site there is tons of info and everyone has their favorite this or that so read up, ask questions if You have looked first and can't find it. Use the sticky's and search bar, please. You'll see the same questions asked everyday over and over so look see if it is here first or if you don't understand what you have read, some the stuff is technical but most you just gotta wade through it and educate yourself. HAVE A BLAST man.
    You gained 11 lbs in 2.5 weeks in water retention? Is this common for a someone taking their first cycle or did you fail to do something during your cycle that could have helped with water retention?

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    On the road again...
    hi and welcome...

  14. #14
    Tigershark's Avatar
    Tigershark is offline "Who wants to be Clark Kent, when you can be Superman."
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