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Thread: new member-- pls help :) hgh/anavar/primo/winny??? hgh,anavar,winni??

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2013

    new member-- pls help :) hgh/anavar/primo/winny??? hgh,anavar,winni??

    hey guys, im from toronto canada, im 31 years old male and been in the fitness industry the last 10 years. i started off as a personal trainer, then became fitness director and now general manager of a gym. i have many certifications and do hold a degree in exercise physiology/kinsiology. 7 years ago training hard and was trying to become a profighter , since an early age i have study many different forms of martial arts, but one that i remained to train hard , in my early teens and 20's was Maui Thaiboxing. So i got into a car accident which pretty much sidelined me for 7 years.. i could not walk or move, my back was destroyed! we fast fwd 5 years of rehab and treatments and the past year and half i have managed to start training again and getting myself in good shape!, but its been an on and off period for me, some days my back can handle it , other days it cant! currently i have 4 disc injuries, 2 separated discs, one herniated disc, one bulging disc, also sciatica. i weighed 204, 5"8 , 34 percent body fat, from a top notch body to a fat slob who was messed up!.. so i trained and managed to bring my body back to ok status lol currently im 188 pounds, with 18 percent body fat!.... my question to you guys is that i want to start my first cycle... for the past 2 months i have been on hgh.. 4 iu a day right now 7 days straight.... i plan on continuing this for along time, it has improve me but i still have not seen dramatic results! now my question is and i know a lot of you guys are going to probably raid me on it... if i want to add some gear into my hgh, and not do testosterone ( let me hear all the negativity lol)... what would you guys recommend .. hgh, primo, anavar, n winny? or maybe just hgh, anavar,winny ? i train 6 days on one day off.. everyday i do cardio for 40 min and resistance training for 40 min ..... also i take the hgh in the middle of the night when i wake up to get a glass of water or go to the bathroom.... i eat very clean, 6 meals a day 2 of them are protein shakes, the rest is very low carbs and high protein... i have a good size on me i just want to get more cut! if you guys can give me some info and on the timing and dosing as well it will be greatly appreciated... thanks whole bunch in advance!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    It takes a while to see results with HGH. Test should always be used. What are your goals besides just getting cut? AI's, PCT?

  3. #3
    Tigershark's Avatar
    Tigershark is offline "Who wants to be Clark Kent, when you can be Superman."
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  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    East Coast beach town
    Welcome to the board. Repost in the Q&A section for more views and responses.

  5. #5
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    Sep 2012

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Calgary Alberta

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