Hi everyone, I am new to steroids but not lifting. Just started TRT a month ago and love it. Never had more fun in bed in my life! Also developing new muscle, that was a surprise! I like to workout every third day and I may change that now that I have been reading here. Been reading for a week here and feel like I am just getting started. Problem is I am 67 and wondering how much good these things are going to do.
I started HGH at 2 iu daily at the same time as the Test implants in my hip. Have ordered Clen, Sust and D Bol to add to that. Dont know if these will go together well but I may know more by the time they get here.
I feel good about getting serious with lifting again and am tickled about the gains I am making just in the last month. More muscle, more weight, less effort. Have to watch that weight though. Tore a muscle completely through on my upper shoulder. Doc pointed it out on MRI, said as long as I dont have too much pain, leave it alone so adding more weight cautiously. Enough already.
If anyone has any comments, chime in, I can use all the help I can get.