38 M. Training 20yrs. Currently 5'10 225lbs, bf% dont care. Auto accident in 2010 (collapsed 2discs , broke some vertebrae) and surgery in 2011 (anterior and posterior fusion L4-L5-S1, metal cage/screws on spine, and developed anemia during recovery). Was 275lbsBW, lifts were SQ525/BP405/DL600, C&J275/SN225. Still have pain and stiffness, and just cut out painkillers (percocet, oxycontin) 4mos ago. My goal is to get back to lifting, put some quality weight back on, and get red blood cell count up. Any suggestions appreciated. Especially any firsthand info on dbol/anadrol re/anemia, or anyone that rehabbed a lower back injury. ran a few test cyp cycles, up to 500/wk, did well and felt great. Planning test/dbol/arimidex to start back