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Thread: New Member with Before and after pics (6 months)

  1. #1

    New Member with Before and after pics (6 months)

    Hi, im new to this forum, ive known about it for a while but never been bothered to post it

    im 18 6ft 2 and 13 stone 3

    Previously i was 9 stone 8 as you will see in the pictures

    However 3 cycles and 4 stone later, here i am.

    I eat on average about 8 meals or 9000kcals a day

    My goal is around 15 stone of muscle by september

    No idea why i want to reach this target, i hated how skinny i was and had no confidence, so i startes to build muscle, however after useing ****, jeff seid, Arnold and so on to motovate myself, i thought why not try and see where i can get. So im posting a transformation of my body

    Hope you enjoy, and i will try and be as active as possible and answer your questions if there are any
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  2. #2
    And this is 6 months later, i dont really have any decent photos, just some i could find on my computer, once my phone is fixed i will put some decent photos up, hopefully the muscle gain is noticeable.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

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  3. #3
    Join Date
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    You're too young for aas, but good luck with your goals.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2012

    Looks like you made some decent natty gains, but still not ready for gear IMO.

    Good luck gaining!

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    West Australia
    In to hear all about your 9k cal diet..

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Skippy's pouch
    Quote Originally Posted by Gaspaco View Post

    Looks like you made some decent natty gains, but still not ready for gear IMO.

    Good luck gaining!
    The problem is they're not natty gains this is number 3 cycle

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by bdos900

    The problem is they're not natty gains this is number 3 cycle
    Wow!!! I missed that!!

    Thats fvucked up!!!

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by bdos900 View Post
    The problem is they're not natty gains this is number 3 cycle
    This^^^ I hate to be an asshole but if you did 3 cycles and you look like this after, you threw away your money and don't know what you are doing. Let's hope you did not throw away your health as well since that can't be bought.

  9. #9
    The first 2 cycles where not very long, 8 weeks on the first cycle tri tren and test ethanate + sustanon switch, and only about 4 weeks on the second Nandro test + sustanon (due to not being able to walk after injecting every week. i am planning to stick on Tri Deca and Sustanon for around 10 weeks as thats how long the amount i bought lasts, if all goes well i may buy more, but i really just would like to get around 15 stone of lean muscle before stopping the injections. So far no side effect except for I seem to have low blood sugar levels when in the juice hence why i eat pop tarts.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by mcmanus1806 View Post
    The first 2 cycles where not very long, 8 weeks on the first cycle tri tren and test ethanate + sustanon switch, and only about 4 weeks on the second Nandro test + sustanon (due to not being able to walk after injecting every week. i am planning to stick on Tri Deca and Sustanon for around 10 weeks as thats how long the amount i bought lasts, if all goes well i may buy more, but i really just would like to get around 15 stone of lean muscle before stopping the injections. So far no side effect except for I seem to have low blood sugar levels when in the juice hence why i eat pop tarts.

    Your first cycle was tren and test and the second was dec and test which you couldn't take? You're an idiot plain and simple you have no idea what you are doing and to say you eat pop tarts because you supposedly have low blood sugar is just asinine. You should be embarrassed that you look how you look after 3 cycles of experienced compounds. I would stop telling people you have cycled to spare yourself the humiliation.

  11. #11
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    Jan 2011
    What is your reasoning even to come on here? You say you eat 9k calories but I doubt you even break 3k. You train 3 times a week and I doubt you even hit legs

    post up routine and diet go!

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by auswest View Post
    In to hear all about your 9k cal diet..
    7 AM Meal 1 - 500g coco pops with full fat milk + 500kcal mass gain shake No idea why coco pops, i have tried oats and such and they dont seem to wake me up.
    10 AM Meal 2 - 2 breaded Chicken breasts with 100g pasta Dry, 50g mixed frozen veg, 2 eggs whole plus a strawberry poptart.
    12 PM Meal 3 Pre Workout - 2 breaded chicken breasts with 100g pasta Dry, 50g mixed frozen veg, 2 eggs plus pre workout shake, creatine, mass gain shake
    2 PM Meal 4 Post Workout - 2 breaded chicken breasts with 100g pasta Dry, 50g mixed frozen veg, 2 eggs plus creatine, mass gain shake and poptart
    4 PM Meal 5 - 2 Breaded Chicken Breasts with 100g pasta dry, 50g mixed veg, 2 eggs
    6 PM Meal 6 - 2 Breaded Chicken Breasts with 100g pasta dry, 50g mixed veg, 2 eggs plus poptart
    8 PM meal 7 - 2 Breaded Chicken Breasts with 100g pasta dry, 50g mixed veg, 2 eggs
    10 PM Meal 8 - 2 Breaded Chicken Breasts with 100g pasta dry, 50g mixed veg, 4 eggs plus poptart

    I only wake up in the morning to eat, also i spend about £70 a week on food, pretty much half my earning for my job haha but you have to do what you have to do to achieve your goals

    Plus i dont start back university till september, where i will have to limit my amount of food, to lesson times and so on :/ so i really am putting all the effort in these few months.

    That pretty much sums it up

  13. #13
    fit2bOld's Avatar
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    You could have done that natural, I guess the cocopops and poptarts are the key. Its the sugar rush that wakes you up not the nutritional value.

  14. #14
    Have you not seen my workout routine?? i train pretty much 7 times a week, depending if i want to work abs and delts on a sunday, Also i stated my second cycle was Nandro test and Sustanon, Please actually read the post before commenting. are you jealous of the weight i have put on in 6 months? because yeah i see your profile picture and your pretty big, but you also look damn short to me, i am 6ft 2, and the weight spreads over my body a lot more than yours, I do work legs, once a week, the reason they lack size on my photos is because i never used to work them out until about 2 months ago, so they are behind. I already have a diet, and i see i havent posted my routine on here so

    Monday - Chest / Tri
    Tueday Back / Bi
    Wednesday Delts/ abs
    Thrusday Legs
    Friday Chest / Tri
    Saturday Back / Bi
    Sunday Delts / abs or rest day

    My diet is on a post further up thanks for looking and for your comments and criticism.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by mcmanus1806 View Post
    Have you not seen my workout routine?? i train pretty much 7 times a week, depending if i want to work abs and delts on a sunday, Also i stated my second cycle was Nandro test and Sustanon, Please actually read the post before commenting. are you jealous of the weight i have put on in 6 months? because yeah i see your profile picture and your pretty big, but you also look damn short to me, i am 6ft 2, and the weight spreads over my body a lot more than yours, I do work legs, once a week, the reason they lack size on my photos is because i never used to work them out until about 2 months ago, so they are behind. I already have a diet, and i see i havent posted my routine on here so

    Monday - Chest / Tri
    Tueday Back / Bi
    Wednesday Delts/ abs
    Thrusday Legs
    Friday Chest / Tri
    Saturday Back / Bi
    Sunday Delts / abs or rest day

    My diet is on a post further up thanks for looking and for your comments and criticism.

    sooo jealous especially of your nutrient packed meals of breaded chicken, coco puffs, and pop tarts for your low blood sugar lmao!!!!!

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by chi View Post
    sooo jealous especially of your nutrient packed meals of breaded chicken, coco puffs, and pop tarts for your low blood sugar lmao!!!!!
    Does not bother me i will do what i am currently doing, if you have put on almost 4 stone in 6 months then let me know i must be doing something right, and im not being a **** or anything, im just stating what i am doing, and its working for me, just because i have pop tarts, coco pops and breaded chicken means nothing, i have them all because they contain more calories, you seem to forget the point that i am bulking, when i cut of course all the junk food will be gone, the coco pops, the poptarts and so on.. but when bulking i dont give a shit what i eat, as long as i have high carbs, high protein and calories, i dont care!

    Im building muscle and strength so all is good for me i will post more photos further into my workout, or maybe i will just leave it till sept to see the end results

  17. #17
    But dont expect massive gain (looks) maybe in weight, but due to my height, i dont know, i just dont think 15 stone of muscle will look much at my height, but i constantly have this thing, where i think i am small, but everyone thinks i am really big, i dont know why, i just think i need to be bigger constantly. hopefully that will go away at 15 stone, but i highly doubt it.

  18. #18
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    Do you know what PCT is?

    Do you know what TRT is?

    What are the macro's for that diet?

  19. #19
    Last edited by mcmanus1806; 05-22-2013 at 08:52 AM.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by mcmanus1806 View Post
    Also when you say threw away my money, how much exactly do you pay for steroids, just wondering as i dont find it that expensive, for me it was £30 for Tri Deca 300 and £25 for Sustanon 250 and £15 for 100 10mg tabs of Methadronabol (dianabol)

    Is that roughly right? or do you consider that cheap?
    edit your post to remove prices we do not discuss prices per forum rules

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    to clarify i say you threw away your money because all your gains could of been had naturally.

  22. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by Back In Black View Post
    Do you know what PCT is?

    Do you know what TRT is?

    What are the macro's for that diet?
    I do know what PCT is, but no idea what TRT is ??

    And from what i added up its around 1048g carbs 628g protein and 120g fat Mainly from chicken

  23. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by chi View Post
    edit your post to remove prices we do not discuss prices per forum rules
    Had no idea, post has been edited!

  24. #24
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    Micanopy/Gainesville, Fl
    Well here we have another young know it all. If you stopped now you will shrink back to where you were. Most all of what I see is water and pump. Nothing with the least hint of hardness. You are happy IMOP because at your age and body type any gains and plumpness in your body and muscle is exciting. You've never had this before. Where you think your at you are not and that's not just an opinion because all of us experienced and older guys seem to concur. Sometimes the truth hurts. YOU CANNOT see yourself the way we see you. You are eating junk. With a better diet and hard training you would have put on more real gains and that's a fact not an opinion. We have seen it all the time. You are fvcking up you body. You will have problems later on if not sooner. PCT or not you will find yourself in deep shit in a year or two. When you stop your body will rest at the gains you could of done naturally, and that WE SEE all the time. I'm sorry, but the gains you see are not anything like muscle mass. If your bicep feel hard to you, well it is still filled with water. Back off a few junk calories and you will deflate. I challenge you. Cut that intake of sugar and Zero value carbs and you will shrink like my d**k in cold water. Miss aday or two of pump and in a week or so you will see what is real. Do it and come back with the pics. I've been around, check me out. ...crazy mike

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by mcmanus1806

    I do know what PCT is, but no idea what TRT is ??

    And from what i added up its around 1048g carbs 628g protein and 120g fat Mainly from chicken
    I dread to think the low quality of food you have so that only costs you £70.

    In a few years you will be a mess. You don't know how to eat, or cycle or PCT. NEVER take advice from your dealer.

    Testosterone Replacement Therapy is for when your own testosterone levels are too low. Its expensive. You are increasing your risk with poor cycles, possible poor PCT and not enough rest between cycles.

    Stop cycling, do a PCT, get a hormone blood test and learn how to train. If you can train 7 days a week you really aren't working hard enough.

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by mcmanus1806

    I do know what PCT is, but no idea what TRT is ??

    And from what i added up its around 1048g carbs 628g protein and 120g fat Mainly from chicken
    And nobody, upon nobody, ever ever ever needs anywhere near that much protein.

  27. #27
    Quote Originally Posted by crazy mike View Post
    Well here we have another young know it all. If you stopped now you will shrink back to where you were. Most all of what I see is water and pump. Nothing with the least hint of hardness. You are happy IMOP because at your age and body type any gains and plumpness in your body and muscle is exciting. You've never had this before. Where you think your at you are not and that's not just an opinion because all of us experienced and older guys seem to concur. Sometimes the truth hurts. YOU CANNOT see yourself the way we see you. You are eating junk. With a better diet and hard training you would have put on more real gains and that's a fact not an opinion. We have seen it all the time. You are fvcking up you body. You will have problems later on if not sooner. PCT or not you will find yourself in deep shit in a year or two. When you stop your body will rest at the gains you could of done naturally, and that WE SEE all the time. I'm sorry, but the gains you see are not anything like muscle mass. If your bicep feel hard to you, well it is still filled with water. Back off a few junk calories and you will deflate. I challenge you. Cut that intake of sugar and Zero value carbs and you will shrink like my d**k in cold water. Miss aday or two of pump and in a week or so you will see what is real. Do it and come back with the pics. I've been around, check me out. ...crazy mike
    I will once i reach september, i will have to cut my calories, but no way in hell am i going with zero value carbs, thats pure cutting? and most people who do not compete or model, always regret doing it? i will cut my carbs, and calorie intake but not now, Thanks again for the advice!

  28. #28
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    Micanopy/Gainesville, Fl
    Quote Originally Posted by mcmanus1806 View Post
    I will once i reach september, i will have to cut my calories, but no way in hell am i going with zero value carbs, thats pure cutting? and most people who do not compete or model, always regret doing it? i will cut my carbs, and calorie intake but not now, Thanks again for the advice!
    No one asked for you to cut to zero, besides you'll never reach zero. But because you are so defensive, you miss the point. You haven't gained what you see in mas, not even close. I am not trying to make you feel bad. I am just telling you the truth. You are not even paying attention to what is going to happen to your system and your potential damage at your age. The problems that you will more than likely will ensue with the erectile dysfunction and libido etc.. AS you said you know nothing about Ai and PCT. Have you any blood work done? what is your estrogen at. Do you care. Do you want tits. Listen WE ARE TELLING YOU you're off on a bad trip and you might be very sorry later as well as you could have done whatever you see naturally. You don't know what cutting is about, face it you haven't been an adult long enough, if you are one to understand your own body. With the minimal gains that you show us you clearly don't have a handle on how to train and how to work on symmetry when you get some mass. Now don't get your panties in a wad. You came, you showed and we commented, not to argue or to put you down. We applaud you for getting serious about bodybuilding and trying. But take no offense at what we see and tell you honestly about what you tell us. Hell that's what it is all about. Do some more reading, put the gear away for a few years, ask questions and listen. Then you can get a better start with more gains. ....crazy mike

    Oh, PS: I meant cut back calories and carbs for a sort interval and you will see what you have
    Last edited by crazy mike; 05-22-2013 at 11:41 AM.

  29. #29
    human project's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mcmanus1806
    Hi, im new to this forum, ive known about it for a while but never been bothered to post it

    im 18 6ft 2 and 13 stone 3

    Previously i was 9 stone 8 as you will see in the pictures

    However 3 cycles and 4 stone later, here i am.

    I eat on average about 8 meals or 9000kcals a day

    My goal is around 15 stone of muscle by september

    No idea why i want to reach this target, i hated how skinny i was and had no confidence, so i startes to build muscle, however after useing ****, jeff seid, Arnold and so on to motovate myself, i thought why not try and see where i can get. So im posting a transformation of my body

    Hope you enjoy, and i will try and be as active as possible and answer your questions if there are any
    What is the stone thing??

  30. #30
    human project's Avatar
    human project is offline Knowledgeable Member~Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    Quote Originally Posted by auswest
    In to hear all about your 9k cal diet..
    Ya I'm 6'2 250 and theres no way I could eat that much every single day

  31. #31
    human project's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mcmanus1806
    But dont expect massive gain (looks) maybe in weight, but due to my height, i dont know, i just dont think 15 stone of muscle will look much at my height, but i constantly have this thing, where i think i am small, but everyone thinks i am really big, i dont know why, i just think i need to be bigger constantly. hopefully that will go away at 15 stone, but i highly doubt it.
    What the hell is the stone thing!!!!! I am only continuing to read just to figure this out....
    Last edited by human project; 05-22-2013 at 11:54 AM.

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by human project View Post
    What the hell is the stone thing!!!!! I reading just to figure this out
    stone is a way to tell weight HP 3 stone is like 182 lbs its "across the pond" thing

  33. #33
    human project's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chi

    stone is a way to tell weight HP 3 stone is like 182 lbs its "across the pond" thing
    So how much weight is a stone???

  34. #34
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by human project

    So how much weight is a stone???

  35. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by Back In Black View Post
    whoops i was way off

  36. #36
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    Here's the deal kid. You keep telling us what you know, how you feel and what you think you want and tell us you are eating 9,000 calories a day. Even if it were junk food and you did train a little you would be bigger. So you present your pics and your speech and we have told you all we can tell you. Most all of us agree so bring up your disagreements and how you know what's going on to someone tat cares to listen. For me, I told you what I think and I'll leave it at that. Be cool kid and stay off the gear until you have matured both physically and mentally . and that's not so ...... crazy mike

  37. #37
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    This post is ehhh! NOw I am jelous that a 18 year old had 3 cycles and me that am 26 yeras old hasnt had one........ tehehe JK!

  38. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by thehor View Post
    This post is ehhh! NOw I am jelous that a 18 year old had 3 cycles and me that am 26 yeras old hasnt had one........ tehehe JK!
    Yea, and I bet you wanna get big like that. Eat your heart out....ha ha ha! just Joking ...crazy mike

  39. #39
    Join Date
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    Skippy's pouch
    Quote Originally Posted by thehor View Post
    This post is ehhh! NOw I am jelous that a 18 year old had 3 cycles and me that am 26 yeras old hasnt had one........ tehehe JK!
    Its not quantity its quality thehor do it right and your first cycle will be better than the 3 put together

  40. #40
    What is it with all these youngsters wanting to build Rome in a day?

    Train with maximum intensity, really push yourself, get loads of rest & eat clean and you will see gains after you put in some time, commitment and hard work.

    Come on man!

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