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Thread: New member, wanted to do a first cycle.

  1. #1

    New member, wanted to do a first cycle.

    Hello everyone, this is my very first post where i would like to introduce myself.

    Im 19 and have been lifting for aproximately 3 years. First year wasnt serious because i didnt know about proper nutrition and diet. 2nd year was better, I was gaining experience and learning from my mistakes. Now its roughly my 3rd year working out and I could confidently say that my diet and exercise is in check.

    I eat right, sleep enough and get all the nutrients i need.

    I am 175 pounds at around 12% bodyfat (down from 186)

    I wanted some advice on doing my first cycle, which would be Testosterone Enanthate 500mg/week for 12 weeks, and clomid as a pct.

    I have some questions:

    1) Am I too young for this? Im only planning on doing 1 cycle
    2) Should i be taking anything during my cycle (products that lower estrogen?)
    3) Is there other forms of steriods that are safer? Im not looking for a super strong steriod, just something to take me to the next level
    4) Anything else I should be aware of?

    Thanks ahead of time

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by TwinTurbo View Post
    Hello everyone, this is my very first post where i would like to introduce myself.

    Im 19 and have been lifting for aproximately 3 years. First year wasnt serious because i didnt know about proper nutrition and diet. 2nd year was better, I was gaining experience and learning from my mistakes. Now its roughly my 3rd year working out and I could confidently say that my diet and exercise is in check.

    I eat right, sleep enough and get all the nutrients i need.

    I am 175 pounds at around 12% bodyfat (down from 186)

    I wanted some advice on doing my first cycle, which would be Testosterone Enanthate 500mg/week for 12 weeks, and clomid as a pct. Not a good PCT

    I have some questions:

    1) Am I too young for this? Im only planning on doing 1 cycle Yes you are
    2) Should i be taking anything during my cycle (products that lower estrogen?)Yep
    3) Is there other forms of steriods that are safer? Im not looking for a super strong steriod, just something to take me to the next levelLearn different training routines, proper diets to accomodate your goals and let your self develop a bit. You HPTA doesn't need AAS right now.
    4) Anything else I should be aware of?

    Thanks ahead of time


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  7. #7
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    Welcome to the community.

  8. #8
    SexySweetheart is offline "Decide you want it ƸӜƷ more than your afraid of it"Recognized Member Winner - $100
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  10. #10
    Welcome bro!

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  12. #12
    1) Steroids tend to be addictive. 1 cycle may lead you to more.
    2)AI .. isn't recommended . ITS NEEDED
    3) dealing with steroids , your best bet to being "safe" is a slow acting test. So no. That is the safest.
    4)Every health risk you are facing, and understanding that there is going to be a higher chance that you will be on TRT for the rest of your life.

    Age wise, you are young, understand you are more at risk then others. If you want to cycle, no one can convince you otherwise. Just don't be a filter (block off info you don't want to accept) and accept the fact that your raising health risk upon yourself.


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  14. #14
    Join Date
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    Good luck

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by zeedubz View Post
    1) Steroids tend to be addictive. 1 cycle may lead you to more.
    2)AI .. isn't recommended . ITS NEEDED
    3) dealing with steroids , your best bet to being "safe" is a slow acting test. So no. That is the safest.
    4)Every health risk you are facing, and understanding that there is going to be a higher chance that you will be on TRT for the rest of your life.

    Age wise, you are young, understand you are more at risk then others. If you want to cycle, no one can convince you otherwise. Just don't be a filter (block off info you don't want to accept) and accept the fact that your raising health risk upon yourself.

    Thanks for the answers.
    Ill see how things go naturally, and may consider it at a later point in time. There appears to be more reasons why I shouldnt do it now, I will take everyones advice and wait

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