Hey guys just need some more info. I have been training for about 4 years but I had a break of an year. Now started training again few weeks ago. My goal is to gain muscle mass. I weigh 73 kilos at the moment. Don't know about body fat but it's not too bad. Arms and legs are still lean it's just my abdomen has a bit of fat on it. I have used oral stanozolol an year and a half ago for about 6 weeks. It gave me good results. Soon after I had to quit training coz of my back injury . Now I'm having raw protein+carbs (as gainer) +creatine+L-glutamine+BCAA+Liver 52+multivitamins and I have just started taking danabol 10mg tablet twice a day. I just started it yesterday. So I'm thinking to start a sustanon 325+deca+dbol cycle from tomorrow. What would you guys suggest me? Should I go for it? How much each should I inject per week? Anything else I should take? Any anti estrogen? Anything else for liver support? Coz I'm going to toilet after every meal. Need something extra for digesting. Bloating is not too much.
Would be great to have your views.