After over two years I am tired of dealing with my family doctor and my endocrinologist about TRT. Both are scared as Barry Bonds in a drug store, and I am sick of dealing with Doctors that arent able to treat the proven problems.
My blood work shows Test levels at 345 and two years ago they were 365 but still I cannot find a doctor that will act on anything. Hell, even my endo said "well you know its tough with all the baseball steroid problems adding a bad stigma". My mouth fell open and I was like never again..... Oh, I forgot to mention I am only 37 years old, and most of the time feel like I am 80.
So, I am on the move to find a new doctor who can help me. Ive gone AWOL for now and doing it on my own the good ol fashion way, but very difficult to find a fair supplier. Prices are crazy, you just never know what your getting, same things are never in stock, or who can I even trust. (sighhhh)
Then there is the fact that none is covered by insurance so why even bring a red flag to the crooked insurance companies so they can jack my rates, when in fact I just need good information which I can find on this site and have been reading for some time now.
Can anyone help me with Doctors or good information? Hopefully you can send me a message or leave me a post that can help. Ive got copies of my bloodwork if anyone has any specific questions for me....
Thanks for all the great reads so far.....