Hi I'm a new member here. I'm 29 years old and 6ft.
Never used steroids before.... yet.
Used some protein shakes that's all and now I've I've found I want to go the extra mile and get a bigger well defined muscular build so I'm looking to dabble in steriods.
I actually found on the buyseroids.com that they sell steroids in pill form which I find more appealing because I find injecting a little bit sinister at this beginning stage of steroids.
I've seen a cycle on there called cutting stack
Clen + Tren75 + Winn50 + Test-600x = Cutting Stack
and another one called
Deca 200 + D-anabol 25 + Tren 75 + Test-600x = Mass Stack
are these good stacks?
will I need to take anything else with these stacks for liver or health protection?
what do you think?
anyone got a good cycle for a beginner who wants to be cut and build muscle mass
oh anyone in los angeles shout out: would be good to workout together too- have a good gym buddy
please help me guys. thanks