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Thread: Back to the Gym I go after 1 year.

  1. #1

    Exclamation Back to the Gym I go after 1 year.

    Hello all,

    First time here. let me tell you about me and what I will be doing.

    I'm 39
    6' tall
    330 lbs as of today. ( way out of shape )

    I'm on Test 200 mil bi weekly. (Dr. orders.)
    I gained 30 lbs in 3 months!

    I start back at the gym tomorrow 10-18-2013

    My goal is to lose 130 lbs in 1 year eating clean.

    I will be doing 1ml of 200 cyp weekly for 10 weeks and then going back to 1ml bi weekly. My test lvl is now at 350 with no energy what so ever. I'm hoping this will give me a quick boost in energy.

    My diet and workout plan.

    Meal one - Protein Shake W/ Oatmeel then multi-vitamin ( time release )
    Meal two - Orange or grapefriut
    Meal three - lean meat (chicken, tuna, turkey, or turkey burger) and green veggies or green salad and complex carb (two slices whole grain bread, sweet potato, or brown rice)
    Meal four - Protein Bar or Shake and an apple or pear.
    Meal five - (dinner) lean white meat or fish (not fried) w/green veggies or green salad
    Meal six - Protein Diet Bar.

    My goal is to lose 130 lbs in 1 year and build my body mass into muscle.

    My workouts will be done as a push and pull.

    Meaning the “push” workout would train all of the upper body muscles that are involved in pushing exercises. This primarily includes Chest, Shoulders and Triceps.

    The “pull” workout would train all of the upper body muscles that are involved in pulling exercises. This primarily includes Back and Biceps.

    The “legs” workout would train the entire lower body. This primarily includes Quads, Hamstrings and Calves.

    Week 1

    Monday: Push (Chest, Shoulders, Triceps)
    Tuesday: Pull (Back, Biceps)
    Wednesday: off
    Thursday: Legs (Quads, Hamstrings, Calves, Abs)
    Friday: off
    Saturday: Push (Chest, Shoulders, Triceps)
    Sunday: Pull (Back, Biceps)

    Week 2

    Monday: off
    Tuesday: Legs (Quads, Hamstrings, Calves, Abs)
    Wednesday: off
    Thursday: Push (Chest, Shoulders, Triceps)
    Friday: Pull (Back, Biceps)
    Saturday: off
    Sunday: Legs (Quads, Hamstrings, Calves, Abs)

    There is no such thing as a "off day" I will be doing Cardio every day.

    What do you think of my over all plan???

    I will be using ( Isopure low carb 50 G protein 100% )

    Anything you would add to help me meet my goal would be great!

    I have no cycle history other what the Dr. has ordered. I do have a great deal of gym history. (back when I was 16 to 23 years old) Now out of shape with over 65% BF ( not tested )
    Last edited by The Fat Guy; 10-17-2013 at 04:40 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    East coast
    Hey. Welcome. That's a pretty ambitious plan. Are you good at sticking with long-term projects? In addition to the substantial time at the gym (and daily cardio), you'll need to set aside quite a few hours to plan the diet. That would be my concern. What happens when Tuesday rolls around and you can't get to the gym and you're out of protein powder?

    As for the long term, (1) you should ensure you get some physical activity every single day (if you can't get to the gym then a brisk walk and some core), (2) make sure you're alway enjoying your program (especially don't overdo things in the beginning), and (3) keep a log of your progress. Good luck.
    Last edited by 61er; 10-17-2013 at 04:39 PM.

  3. #3
    You make some great points.
    (1) Sticking with my plan. I have start a plan like this last year and didn't stick with it do to low T lvl. Now that I have the supplement i'm going to do my best to do it.

    (2) I do have free weights in my home so if I cant get to the Gym I can get something in that day. To be honest I hate taking walks.

    (3) Protein powder I can sub with egg whites, bars, ect, if I run out.

    A log is a great idea I didn't think of that.

    *** QUESTION *** any good diet plans you recommend?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    welcome and good luck on the new you

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    East coast
    Quote Originally Posted by The Fat Guy View Post
    *** QUESTION *** any good diet plans you recommend?
    Never had weight issues. I struggle to keep the weight on (even at 52). My brother, on the other hand, has had weight issues that led to diabetes, but recent success bring both under control. I remember him saying the big change was "portion control".

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    East Coast beach town
    Welcome to the community.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Nomadic Day Laborer
    welcome! Good luck with your goals.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    The Matrix
    6#er has good points. I was pretty fat last year. I'm your height but I was nowhere near 330. I was a little over 240. I had 12 or so years of training before I stayed out of the lifestyle for 10 years. Point being I was already carrying a good amount of lean mass. It was just covered with 'thick skin'...

    Idk if that's your situation or not, but looking at your basic plan and diet I think you'll do it if you stick with it. That's where the majority of people who try to get in shape fail.

    Put pics of your shirtless self either on line or if youre too.embarrassed right now, put them on your own computer, or on the fridge, wherever you will be forced to look at them daily. Post new pics up every few weeks so you'll have a picture log of your progress. This was a huge motivator for me. Changes happen slowly so its easy to forget what you looked like 2 months in the past.

    Whatever you have to do to force accountability for what you've said here today to other people will also be a big motivator. It forces you to meet your goal if for no other reason, so you won't look like a failure to others even if you yourself lose the passion. That's fleeting anyways.

    Once you start seeing results you will feed off of it.

    Good luck. You can so this but you must be consistent and stick with it.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Welcome to the forums!

    I recommend starting a log in the nutrition section as there is where most of the change will occur.


    "I stay mostly by myself, but it's OK, they know me here"
    Follow my personal story here: Anabolic Steroids - Forums - An honest journey - Blogs

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Welcome and thumbs up for your determination.

  11. #11
    Day 5 and no problem with hunger yet. Morning is 1/2 cup of oatmeal in my preteen shake. I have been taking around 1100 to 1300 calories per day. My issue is I'm not hungry or even feel hungry every 3 hours. Should I eat anyway? Ie: apple or orange? I know it will keep my metabolism going if I do, but is that hurting me in the long run?

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    East coast
    Don't have the answer to your dietary question, but am curious about how your structured workout regimen is going.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    people who are bigger and have more bodyfat tend to lose it faster then people who are say 15% trying to get down to 5% ..If you can figure out your macros for your weight and slowly go in a deficit say 100 cals a week .. so it doesn't overwhelm you, it might be really beneficial to do it that way .. and also eating alot of veggies with help you lose fat too especially since they are high in fiber. Good luck to your journey !

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jul 2012

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