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Thread: 2nd time user, 1st time was a disaster

  1. #1

    2nd time user, 1st time was a disaster

    Hello all. Never thought i'd register on this site as i've always lurked before, but i guess i feel i really need the collective knowledge and need alot of help before i proceed into another foray into using steroids.

    I'm a 30 year old 6'2" male that weights 320 lbs with a obviously high body fat %. Once hitting 30 i've noticed a severe lack of stamina as i'm getting real tired and sore after working out and especially after playing sports. I've always been real heavy hitting 300 in college, but never had much issues going hard for long periods of time playing sports and working out. I've got an athletic but very large build as i regularly play sports all my life such as basketball and rugby. Also i am currently working out fairly regularly about 4-5 days week. I've also recently joined a crossfit gym to help in my attempt to slim down and increase core strength and flexibility. I think key factor i'm interested in using again is because i'm constantly sore nowadays since joining the crossfit gym.

    As expected my objective is to lose weight, my current goal is likely around 260 at the end of this year while maintaining a high amount of strength, reducing down reasonable amount of body fat, and be able to play sports like i'm in my early mid 20s again. I dont need to look like a body builder or male model, so i'm not so interested in body shaping so much as overall performance.

    So my initial foray into using steroids was early last year. I bought a bottle of Test and 100 tabs of anavar. I forgot the designations/dosage for both (i think i still have the bottles stored somewhere) but the total came out to about 600 dollars. After doing some research while using, i'm guessing i got ripped off, despite my "friend" assuring me that i cant find legit stuff for cheaper. Regardless i didnt properly plan what i was supposed to do so after 2 months i didnt really see any gains. I did get stronger and was able to push harder, but my lack of a strict diet and lack of a good training regimen doomed me.

    This time around i want to do it right and want to run things by you all to see if i'm on the right track. I'm thinking of starting a cycle in Feb, with Test, EQ, and anavar. I want to slim down while also increasing strength and especially stamina. I'm prolly going to cap myself strength wise (less max weight repping more supersetting) as the bigger i get the slower i'll be which is far from ideal for what i want. I'm still doing research for a supplier as i'm a bit more leery of trusting my circle of "gym" friends nowadays.

    Tips and suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

    Currently my workout plan

    Mon - Fri
    Crossfit 1 hour per session - focusing on core, stamina, and flexibility

    M - Sun
    4-5 times in the gym 1 hour per session - focusing on overall strength and stamina
    Chest, Arms

    Basketball 2 times week 1-2 hours per session - cuz i love to play and of course cardio

    And diet, try my best to keep it under 2.5k calories a day.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2012

    forget the steroids, you do not need them, keep exercising and watching your diet and you will lose weight..


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    East Coast beach town
    Welcome to the community.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Northeast usa
    Welcome to forum
    do some research here post your diet plans in nutrition section
    I lost 60 plus pounds in like 8 mns or so
    Most of your weight lost will be from diet
    You need to eat the correct foods and correct amount break downs protein carbs and fat
    Do not cycle till you get body fat down way to many sides

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Welcome to the community! Visit the Nutrition Section for advice!


    Follow my personal story here on this blog: An honest journey
    Trophy Husband - a countdown timer

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    upper midwest

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    Mid west
    Anything over 30% body fat is considered obese, which is where your likely at. If this is the case you should not even be thinking about steroids at this point. I would concentrate on cutting body fat naturally with diet and cardio. Test is a good fat burner but if your bf% is so high you will not likely see the full benefits of AAS.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    welcome vae

  9. #9
    Yea i'm not surprised at the answers. The best course is probably just to do a natural strict diet to cut pounds/body fat %. Only reason i'm contemplating using is due to the constant soreness i'm in these days. The crossfit routines are doing a wonderful job in forcing me to do alot more cardio than i usually do, the only problem is the recovery is so bad and long that i want to short cut it as much as possible so i dont basically spend a whole day/week recovering and then workout and feel like crap again.

    Edit: Not to mention two a days are just straight up killing me. The way i have things spaced out now, i try to minimize the two a days and make sure to get gym time in on each weekend day.
    Last edited by Vae Victus; 01-10-2014 at 01:55 PM.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Vae Victus View Post
    Yea i'm not surprised at the answers. The best course is probably just to do a natural strict diet to cut pounds/body fat %. Only reason i'm contemplating using is due to the constant soreness i'm in these days. The crossfit routines are doing a wonderful job in forcing me to do alot more cardio than i usually do, the only problem is the recovery is so bad and long that i want to short cut it as much as possible so i dont basically spend a whole day/week recovering and then workout and feel like crap again.

    Edit: Not to mention two a days are just straight up killing me. The way i have things spaced out now, i try to minimize the two a days and make sure to get gym time in on each weekend day.
    you dont need to do crossfit to lose weight.. just walk everyday for about an hour and lift weights a few days per week, and eat lean protein and veggies and drink nothing but water, and you will be watching the fat melt off of you... literally...

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    You run a high risk of side effects with a high BF%. Not a good call bud. I think the optimal BF% to start cycling without worrying about side effects from BF is to be below 20 percent.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Agree with above people, Definitely stick to the weight training for now. Lifting progressively heavier weights is where it's at to lose the weight. Of course add cardio after lifting. No offense I feel like corssfit is a big waste of money sorry if I offended any one. Lift weights, eat clean. Come back asking for advice on the juice once you bring that BF down buddy.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    P90X would also be a good alternative to losing body fat as well as following the P90X meal plan to shred fat.

  14. #14
    Thank you everyone for your tips, suggestions, and time.

    I guess in my situation using Test or anything else isnt a good idea. I was just hoping for a magic bullet to make all the soreness and pain go away from working out and help me push harder while trying to achieve my goals.

    I've had to scale back a bit, i'm developing some elbow irritation and pain (also the same elbow that is the least flexible of the two). Its affecting my lift regimen a great deal as i'm also trending to lighter weights to try to push through to finish my workouts. This is exactly where i would think Test would help the most, but arguments presented earlier has definitely made me think again.

    Crossfit in of itself is a bit of a waste of time if you're unmotivated or at a crappy location. I basically shopped a few places and settled on a location that charges a reasonable amount, has a decent amount of instructor to pupil interaction to teach me proper basic movements/help me with my form during workouts, and of course hot girls to keep me occupied during rest times/motivation on why i'm finally putting myself thorugh this suffering.

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